sábado, diciembre 22, 2001

bored on a Saturday night:

I am 41% evil.
I could go either way. I have sinned quite a bit but I still have a bit of room for error. My life is a tug of war between good and evil. Are you evil?
ick.. somebody needs to get a fashion clue
I want one of these so bad, Auntie Anne's garlic and cinnamon sugar pretzels. And I want them NOW!!! Why is it that the closest store is 40 minutes away? damn suburbs for being to spread out. Looks like someone is going to take me there today. I mean, he better take me there today.

viernes, diciembre 21, 2001

Lookie, I'm actually going to get wrapped presents for Christmas! :P I stole it from S and E.

jueves, diciembre 20, 2001

Vacation starts tomorrow.. but I have nothing planned. nothing. Nobody is coming up to visit us (like that will ever happen.. re family) and we have no $$ to go anywhere (getting 4 new tires plus a new belt, oil change, yada yada yada is lotta $$). Plus with the upcoming pay cut that I'm getting (damn you OEMs!) I will be watching my money carefully. I guess my plans will be to sleep, eat, sleep, eat, etc. b o r i n g

martes, diciembre 18, 2001

20-week checkup: gained 5 lbs from last visit (7 weeks ago). Looked at the ultrasound measurements and the baby is measuring one week ahead of schedule but my EDD will stay the same anyways (it's only a week) and the heartbeat was 163. The doctor had hard time keeping up with the baby! She was moving so much lol I bet she is going to be impatient like her mother hahah :P

lunes, diciembre 17, 2001

Tom Green files for divorce from Drew Barrymore. Somehow I'm not surprised.
Nobody told me that today was supposed to be one of the busiest days at the Post Office. If I would've known, Eitel would've been the one standing in line with 2 packages instead of me.
OTOH, the supervisors are on vacation. wheeeeee :P
I don't want to go to work. Work is going to be boring this week. I don't want to go to work. bleh

domingo, diciembre 16, 2001

New layout. Didn't take too long to do it, I mean it's only nested tables. And while I was working on it, the baby decided to move quite a bit. I think that means she likes the computer! lol good girl ;)