sábado, diciembre 23, 2000

Right now it's 73 degrees here in PR.. while it's -5 degrees back home in Michigan. I just hope that the cold that just reappeared doesn't get any worse when I get back home on Tuesday. And I really hope that I can leave the airport. My car is probaby buried on the snow at the airport in Lansing.

jueves, diciembre 21, 2000

I don't know what's worse, the shopping crowds or the traffic to get in/out of the malls. If I have to go to the mall one more time I'm going to kill myself.

domingo, diciembre 17, 2000

I finally have some time to blog. Driving between my house and Eitel's house is no fun. Our trip was uneventful, even the drive to Lansing while it was snowing went by without a hitch. Ever since I got here it has been raining every single day. It rains real hard for 15-30 minutes then it stops and the sun comes out, meaning that it gets really humid. Besides that, everything else looks okay. The road signs look better, there is alot of road construction going on and the airport still sucks when it comes to handling your luggage. I had to wait 90 minutes for my luggage. ugh

My family is okay. My brother just got on a motorcycle accident yesterday. His friend came over to show his bike (a motorcross one) and he decided to give it a try. He really didn't know how to handle that bike all that well, so I guess he lost control after making an u-turn and crashed somewhere in between the light pole and this palm tree. We had to take him to the hospital and all; no fractures or permanent damage, he is just all banged up. It could've been worse but he got lucky. He spent almost 12 hours on the hospital while they did all the x-ray, blood tests, yada yada yada. Hospitals here are just the worst place to go to when your sick. Even the ambulances suck. After waiting for an hour for a stinking ambulance to show up my dad called a private one who charged him $105 for the trip.

I still have to do some shopping and go visit my granma down in Guayama (75 min drive), and maybe I will get to see some of my friends (well, the ones that will return my calls, it looks like nobody's home). Well, that's it for now, gotta go and get some sleep so I can get up early tomorrow for the shopping spree.