sábado, octubre 28, 2000

Happy Birthday Candi! Now you can rent a car without paying extra for being under 25.
Winamp 2.666 is out. That is some freaky version number.

viernes, octubre 27, 2000

I bet that whoever bid for this PS2 is having a laugh right now.
My man and Jen have new layouts. oooh redesign is on the air.
Who does AOL's research... dogs? I didn't know that people got confused by having a Home icon on the bar.

jueves, octubre 26, 2000

Want to get the PS2 badly? Go to ebay. One of them sold for $1525! Jesus Christ! I guess some people don't want to wait until Spring to get theirs. Being poor sucks!
Did anyone get the PS2? Here in the news, they were at Meijer and they only had 20 of them, all taken since people were in line since 10am!! They don't expect another shipment until mid-December. Holy macaroni!!!!! My boyfriend's brother reserved his months ago (back in May and think) and EB called him to tell him that if he didn't pay in full right there over the phone (this was a month ago), he would have to wait until December to get his. THAT IS INSANE!!!! I think Sony did this in purpose.
Latest jingle stuck in my head: My Chalupa from those Taco Bell ads.

miércoles, octubre 25, 2000

Just what I need, two accidents on I-94 east. Is going to take me forever to get to work! I love this page.

martes, octubre 24, 2000

"We want our teachers to be trained so they can meet the obligations, their obligations as teachers. We want them to know how to teach the science of reading. In order to make sure there's not this kind of federal cufflink." - George W. Bush, Fritsche Middle School, Milwaukee, March 30, 2000

"Will the highways on the Internet become more few?" - George W. Bush, Concord, N.H., Jan. 29, 2000

Get all your favorite Bushisms here. The more I read these quotes, the more I know that I'm not voting for this guy. I think I'm voting for Nader even though he will lose, but at least I won't waste my vote on Bush.

lunes, octubre 23, 2000

For most of my searches, I would just type go 'keyword' on the IE address bar and a search window would open on the left side of my browser with all the results. That way I could keep looking at the results and see some of them to the right. But somehow now it just opens all on one window. wtf?? I liked it better the other way. When did they changed this?
Hey katie, at work they charge for coffee. OTOH, I get free bottled water.
Oh no!!!!!!! The Rock lost the WWF Championship to.. to.. Kurt Angle. ugh! I can't stand "Mr. Three I's". Now I will have to put up with his (and Stephanie's) cockiness (sp?) for weeks to come.

domingo, octubre 22, 2000

Thanks to a link that someone posted over Dan's blog, now I'm addicted to this game. I wonder if I can play this from work.. hmmmm.
Did some house cleaning: bye bye archives from 6 months ago.
Did you know that the Playboy site runs on a Solaris running Netscape-Enterprise 3.6? Find what other domains are using right here