sábado, octubre 07, 2000

This is what I get for saying the word "porn" once on a post, another weird Goggle search.

viernes, octubre 06, 2000

The people at AT&T@Home are idiots. It seems that they are having lots of problems at State College and their answer? "We didn't expected that many people to sign up". HELLO?!? You bring cable modem service to a college town and don't expect people to sign up? You morons. They also blame the heavy usage of Napster for the downtime. Yeah right Sherlock.

And what they recommend the students to do while this gets fixed? "AT&T @Home is urging their customers to be patient and advising them to refrain from using the Internet in peak hours until the dilemma is cleared up." Hey, I pay for the darn service I should be able to use it whenever the hell I want.

Sorry for the rant, but things like this piss the hell out of me.
Hey, if it worked for Jish then it might work for me also:
YOU haven't signed my guestbook.

miércoles, octubre 04, 2000

martes, octubre 03, 2000

Some people are just sick.
After four years, I got contacts again. Now they are disposable lenses(Acuvue2). People say that I look very different.
If you want to get more hits, make sure you get mentioned on six.nu.  I don't think I've ever had this many hits from just one site ;D

lunes, octubre 02, 2000

I "only" use Napster to find those 80's Spanish songs that I can't find on cds.  I guess I still have more time to do it >:)
Another boring afternoon, another wallpaper made.  It reminds me that winter is coming, whether I like it or not. brrrrrrr

domingo, octubre 01, 2000

six.nu is the cutest domain I've seen.  Can you believe Felicia is only 15?  Nice job Felicia!
I also have two entries on bloghop. I added one yesterday but I guess it's reading the other one from the blogger directory.