sábado, mayo 27, 2000

Well.. it seems I'm Hesta, the goddess of family and peace, so much for being a Sex Goddess. Also, I'm an extrovert, risk-taking and passive person. Finally, according to the Magic Ball, my wedding date is Saturday, October 5, 2002. I guess I have enough time to save money.
I love Dilbert
I'm trying to see Emode's main page and I get this message: "This section of Emode is temporarily unavailable. Click here to go to the Emode homepage". Oh no!!! I'm doomed.

wowowow, Layla redesigned her blog... it seems that everybody is redesigning, i-m-u-s-t-r-e-s-i-s-t-t-h-e-t-e-m-p-t-a-t-i-o-n
Is it me or is Blogger a little bit slow today?
bwaahahahhahahahaha this is funny. And Britney, if you like long hair so much (noticed all the hair extensions she wears?), why don't you let your (own) hair grow?
AMEX says no to porn sites. Will Visa and Master Card follow?
I want one of these.

viernes, mayo 26, 2000

And the Darwin Award of today goes to this man who tried to hijack a plane, robbed the passengers and jumped out of the plane in a homemade parachute.
I was doing a search in Geocities and stumbled upon my old page. I forgot that I made a backup of the index.html (I have a redirection page there instead). So go there if you want to laugh at my design skills.
Web users in France may need to register with the goverment before publishing stuff online. Isn't this a little bit too much? I think so.
Welcome to the US.. the land where people sue for anything and everything
Well, the lazy part of me decided to not let me get up early so... no Cedar Point for me this time. I still have all summer to go (thanks to the season pass).

She is very fortunate that she doesn't have to dress up for work. I have too for a couple of reasons. [rant] Even though at Ford the etiquette is business casual, since I work for a consulting company offering services on site, I have to dress up better than everybody else. I hate it, I hate it!! And I hate it even more because I sit in front of the Sun Solaris ALL day long doing design work. I would't mind if I had to meet suppliers, or if I was in meetings all day long but no.. all I do is sit there all day... [/rant]

jueves, mayo 25, 2000

Woman dies after being bitten 1,625 times by ants - and they say that she likely lived hours after being bitten. Poor woman!
Hey Silver, I thought I was the only one that needed do this once in a while so I could clean my apartment.
this is what happens when you install Napster on a PC with a high-speed internet line
wow! I'm #30 at Power Bloggers. Since who knows when I will be there next time, here is a screenshot.
update: now I am #23.. no screenshot this time
I was looking at my referal stats and saw a bunch of ppl coming from this link so of course I went to check it out, and so it happens that it's a blog from ALC Web Design. Thanks for your nice comments about my blog! Hey I like yours too!! I wish I can make graphics like that.
Like everyone else and their grandmother, I went to the Bond Girl Name Generator just to see what stupid name they come up with. If I use only my first last name, I get Testa U. Melons, and if I use both of my last names I get Yora Hotty. I think I'll stick with the second one. See mom? I do use your last name for something
Since I'm bored, here is a picture of me and my cat Fluffy at the pooter
woohoo! long weekend starts now!! I love holidays.. especially the ones I get off from work
Government tightens security after breaches exposed - geesh guys and you just found out about this? tsk tsk tsk

miércoles, mayo 24, 2000

Can't you tell I'm addicted to this whole blogging thing? Maybe I'm just bored.
Weather permitting, I'm planning on going to Cedar Point on Friday to see if I can ride the Millenium Force rollercoaster. When I was there two weeks ago the line was.. get this.. 3 hours long!!! No way I was going to stand there for 3 hours.
Some baseball players should switch sports and get into wrestling, or boxing
Would you pay $100,000US for a domain name ending in .tv?
/me smacks Blogger in da head! Hello!! Why won't you remember me?? I have my browser up to date with all the patches!
A couple of weeks ago I installed Windows 2000 after Windows 98 SE decided to crash every half hour, and so far no crashes, blue screens and such. Plus, I like the network monitor!
I'm taking a 4-day training class on I-DEAS and Assemblies. Cool stuff, but the lectures are B O R I N G! I tried to post from there but the only browsers they had on the PCs were NS 4.04 and blogger looks messed up in that version, plus if u type something and try to post it all disappears.

And my blog looks awful in that version anyways. No textarea, column widths set to the wrong sizes, yada yada yada
So I guess my breasts are perfect. Hum!
(via lotusmaiden)
It looks like the web registrars may take back your domain name thanks to a Virginia Supreme Court decision. And Network Solutions says so in its latest service agreement. So be careful and read everything before you sign/buy something. If we don't own the domains that we pay for then what's next... grrr

martes, mayo 23, 2000

I just love this bookmarklet thingy, how can I live without it now.
I just found Candi's blog through some major click here click there. I enjoyed reading all of it! She is such an opinionated gal and like myself she doesn't know if she and her fiancé should elope or not, AND she stresses out every Sunday thinking that Monday is another work day (actually I think I start getting worried Friday nights).
Ha! I did find out how to do the permalink. Stupid me couldn't find it yesterday in the Help section. d'oh!

lunes, mayo 22, 2000

If you are interested on what I already posted in my [RIP] pita [/RIP] go here. Can someone explain me how to make those anchor links in my blog? I know the id number but what url I use?
Jen and muted.com are back and blogging! And soon the boards will be back. J e z has a new blog design. It's awesome, I love it! Wish I can do things like that.

And, CNN reports that "gas prices have gone up a nickle in the past two weeks". Well not here (in Michigan). The place I go to, the price went up by 10 cents! Can't complain much though, everywhere else in the world ppl pay up to 5 dollars a gallon.
I'm having issues with my pita so I'm trying this blogger thing. Is not as bad as I thought.