sábado, julio 01, 2000

To those canadian readers who stumble upon this site by pure coincidence... Happy Canada Day!
I've decided to be wild and went from 1024x768 to 1152x864. Can't you tell I have no life?
I like the Recently Uptaded addition to the Power Bloggers. The one in the Blogger page seems to be having some issues and won't work.

viernes, junio 30, 2000

No more plain M&M's. Now you shall call them milk chocolate M&M's. I don't like it one bit!!!!!!
At least 8 dead at Pearl Jam concert near Copenhagen. This is so sad!

jueves, junio 29, 2000

My fiancé bought a copy of Diablo II today, and it has been installing for one hour now (on a AMD K6-2 500 with Win2K+196MB RAM). He is installing the whole thing on disc and it takes 1.2GB, that way he doesn't have to change cds everytime a new movie comes up.
must.....do...... tae-bo
I've been a lazy ass in the past couple of weeks.. I need to get back on track so I can look half as decent in summer clothes

miércoles, junio 28, 2000

Oh... I love her new design. That Blogger stamp is soooo cute.
Everytime I read the title of this blog I think of Fruitopia, the mixed drink.
I can see that people have been very busy posting tonight. That or they keep clicking on the Publish button.
I was probably the last one to find out that Star Wars: Episode II started shooting in Australia.

martes, junio 27, 2000

I am such an idiot. I put the Rolos on top of the hub and now they are all melted!!!!!!!! grrrrr lol
I like Pokémon, but it seems that someone is waaaaaaaaaay into them. I actually think is kinda cute.
woohoo.. I'm going nuts downloading fonts from here. After that I'm going to bed. ZzZzZzzz

lunes, junio 26, 2000

And the free ride comes to an end on the web
It's sad that two people died of heart-attacks at Comerica Park because the emergency teams weren't prepared.
I was supposed to take a 30 minute nap but ended up sleeping for 2 and a half hours. I hate that!! Now I will probably stay awake until 1am

domingo, junio 25, 2000

I added six pictures to the Visual section. Go there if you want to have a laugh.
I'm watching The Wedding Singer on Encore and I just can't get enough of that movie. All those 80's references just drive me crazy!
Alright, while Eitel was cleaning the apartment, I was being lazy and made up this wallpaper with a picture of my cat Fluffy. Is not that great but I sure did kill 30 minutes doing it. Here is a thumbnail, you can see it bigger if you click on it. (60K)
My current wallpaper