sábado, marzo 03, 2001

I just couldn't resist buying another digicam. We got the Kodak DC3200 for $175. At least this one is 1.2 Megapixels, the other one I have, the Afga ePhoto 780c it's only 0.35 Megapixels.
I completely forgot to watch the Miss USA pageant. Now I can't make fun of William Shatner :-(

viernes, marzo 02, 2001

I wonder why is William Shatner the MC of tonight's Miss USA pageant. If I recall correctly, they fired Bob Barker because he was "too old" for the job. I don't think Shatner is getting any younger.
They are interviewing this 87 yo man who calls himself the Disco stripper, Disco Ernie. He is from Indiana and I hear he is quite busy. LOL

jueves, marzo 01, 2001

I know this is old, but it always makes me laugh, in a "It sucks to be them" kind of way.

The following is from a seminar called "Stress and Disease" by Dr. Nicholas Hall, an expert in psychobiology. He gave this example of a way of coping with job stress:

"When you have had one of those 'TAKE THIS JOB AND SHOVE IT' days, try this:

- On your way home from work, stop at your pharmacy and go to the section where they have thermometers. You will need to purchase a rectal thermometer made by *Q-Tip. Be very sure that you get this brand.
- When you get home, lock your doors, draw the drapes, and disconnect the phone so you will not be disturbed during your therapy.
- Change to very comfortable clothing, such as a sweat suit and lie down on your bed.
- Open the package and remove the thermometer.
- Carefully place it on the bedside table so that it will not become chipped or broken.
- Take out the written material that accompanies the thermometer and read it. You will notice in small print the statement that "Every rectal thermometer made by Q-Tip is PERSONALLY tested."
- Now, close your eyes and repeat out loud five times, "I am so glad I do not work in quality control at the Q-Tip Company."

miércoles, febrero 28, 2001

Another reminder: Rent is due tomorrow, not in 3-4 days
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Sorry, I just can't stand watching the guy talk.

martes, febrero 27, 2001

The Girl Scout cookies are here. I bought one box of Thin Mints (my favs), two of Tagalongs and one of Samoa. Now you have to guess how many days it will take me to eat them all.. heheh
Every morning my cat Fluffy follows me to the bathroom while I get ready, and pretty much everyday she gets up on the toilet and eats the toilet paper. I think that's so funny!
99 Minutes CD-R's might be coming near you soon. Imagine all the mp3 songs that you can fit in there.

lunes, febrero 26, 2001

Finally I found out why you can't see this page in Unix. Something to do with the way I set up the div layers. I guess I'll be going back to a mix of layers and tables. Got the code working but I'm not going to put it up today, because then I will have an excuse for not working out.
I took advantage of the $11.95 registrar transfer from Dotster and it finally came through today. I've heard good things about Dotster and you can't beat the price. At first I thought they were slow sending me the confirmation email, but after reading the instructions carefully, I realized that they first verify the whois information of the domain and then they send the email. doh! So it took about a week to transfer the domain. Bye bye register.com!
You would think that with all that money they have, some artists would know how to pick their gowns better, but obviously Toni Braxton didn't listen to anyone. She should've gone naked!

domingo, febrero 25, 2001

This solar photography looks so fake. If it wasn't for Physics I would've been an astronomer ;-)
Where did my weekend go? I want one more day :-(
I just want to know why the local UPN station has to show NBA, NHL and MLB games all year around. It pisses me off when there's a new Voyager episode and I can't watch it until the weekend. Same goes for Smackdown. I even hate it more when I can't watch both of them on the same week.
Another reason why you shouldn't use the stinky V-card feature in Outlook.