sábado, marzo 24, 2001

I just noticed that I can't remotely edit this blog. When did it stopped working?
Well, no dog yet thanks for the wonderful work of the shelter. They told us that since the dog had a stray hold until Thursday, that she could get spayed on Friday. So fine, we can wait almost a week for the dog. But when we visited her a couple of times this weeks I noticed that she was sneezing some, and said to myself, "gosh I hope she doesn't get sick". Friday comes and Eitel calls to see if we could take her home and they tell us that the vet had an emergency and couldn't come, and that we have to wait until Tuesday. We stopped by yesterday to see if we could take her for the weekend and they told us no, that it was their policy, that they didn't ask the vet to come because they didn't have enough animals to get spayed (??? all I was saying to myself was yada yada yada). So okay, we left. We stopped by today and we couldn't find her anywhere on the cages so we ask the lady on the front desk where she is and she doesn't know either. After waiting for 5 minutes they realized that the dog was put in isolation (from the healthy puppies) because she got sick (I should be a psychic). Now we don't know if she can be spayed on Tuesday (probably not) and they won't let us take her home until she gets spayed.

We are so pissed, I mean, surrounded by sick animals on this little room while they wait for the vet on Tuesday is not going to help her get any better. And waiting over a month to get the dog is just not right (the one week we waited so far plus 2-3 until she gets better plus 1 week for the surgery). The question is, do we wait or just drop it all? I feel bad for the puppy but it's not fair for us to wait that long to get a freaking dog. I don't know what to think of all this. ugh!

viernes, marzo 23, 2001

Paying bills sucks. I can't wait until I get all these credit cards paid off.
I guess we are not getting free tacos from Taco Bell:
Mir destroyed in fiery descent.
Bummer, I guess I have to buy lunch today.

jueves, marzo 22, 2001

After watching 10 Things I Hate About You, I've been listening to this song pretty much non-stop: "I Want You To Want Me" by Letters of Cleo (originally from Cheap Trick). Someone please make it stop!!!!!

miércoles, marzo 21, 2001

Tripod deletes acceptable sites from their servers. They blame a "technical error" for the problem. If that was one of my pages, I would demand a pop-up free site from now on (like I have that much power).
Some stats from my trackers:

800x600 - 47.05%
1024x768 - 41.24%
1280x864 - 4.84%
Win98 - 77.65%
Win2K - 6.38%
Win95 - 4.89%
Mac - 3.44%
IE5 - 88.43%
NS4 - 3.85%
NS3 - 3.15%
IE4 - 2.87%

martes, marzo 20, 2001

Here are the pics of the dog we adopted at the shelter. She is a Lab/Retriever mix and only 3 months old. Her name is Cheyenne but we might change it. Now get ready to say "Aaaaaaaaaaw".

Eitel and Cheyenne  Eitel and Cheyenne #2

She's on a stray hold until Thursday so hopefully they will be able to schedule her surgery for Friday (she is getting spayed). If not then we have to wait until Tuesday to pick her up.

lunes, marzo 19, 2001

I'm sitting here at the training center taking a class that I took almost a year ago. So why am I taking it again? Because my leader wanted me to learn the new features of the latest software version. But the first day of training is by far exactly the same as before, so I'm really, really bored. And for some reason I can't check the email at work. Oh well, I just want to get out of here early so I can catch up on some talk shows that I haven't seen in months.

domingo, marzo 18, 2001

We live in a society of laws. Why do you think I took you to all
those Police Academy movies? For fun? Well I didn't hear
anybody laughin', did you?"

-- Homer Simpson
Eitel wants a dog so he is trying to convince me by taking me to the Humane Society of Huron Valley to see them. That's where we got our cat Fluffy almost a year ago. I'm still not sure about it though. I'm renting almost all the furniture in our apartment and I don't want a dog to start eating it all.