jueves, junio 14, 2001

miércoles, junio 13, 2001

Well, Eitel and I decided that since we barely use our (Ameritech) phone line, why pay $35-40 a month for nothing? We barely make local calls and when we call it's long distance using Eitel's cell phone with Sprint. So, I got myself this cool phone from Sprint and instead of giving Ameritech my money for nothing I'll give it to Sprint. I get 200 anytime minutes, 1000 nights and weekends minutes and Wireless web for $40. And since long distance is free, I can call home and not worry about it. Hey, not bad if you ask me. I don't talk for 1200 minutes on one month, maybe when I was a teenager but not now :P

lunes, junio 11, 2001

Created as a spoof of the recent sulfnbk.exe hoax, a joke warning people of a virus named AOL.exe has some deleting the Internet program from their computers. Brilliant! LOL
There is a major recall on 75% of all vehicles sold in Michigan by all auto manufacturers. This recall involves inoperative turns signals.
- Problem: turn signal doesn't work
- Test: check for ID10T at the wheel.
- Fix: unknown at this time


domingo, junio 10, 2001

Am I the only one that loves BBQ Cornnuts? My parents hated it whenever I had some because it leaves this aftertaste that drove them nauseous... yum! I used to buy lots of them before they improved (read changed) their BBQ flavor, but it's growing on me again.
I would like to thank the Academy, my producers.. uh, sorry that's not it. I'd like to say thanks to Raul for the plug.. and go visit his site.. it rocks. Damn I wish I had that much talent when I was 17.
Well, #6 was false. Yep, I was a big dork and had my first kiss when I was almost 20. Isn't that pathetic? LOL I do collect Barbies and Beanie Babies. I have about 30 Barbies (including the Puerto Rican and Penn State ones) and about 12 Beanie Babies. I avoid vegetables whenever possible, in a rare occasion I can eat zucchini and celery and maybe a ceasar salad but that's about it. And yeah, I've been drunk only once. Since I couldn't remember anything about that night I said to myself that I wouldn't do it again. I need to know what's going on around me and being drunk doesn't not help LOL