sábado, noviembre 18, 2000

I spent too much time downloading fonts from flaimo.com. Back to the football game.
Geez, you can really screw things up when you forget to close the quotation marks on a title tag. *slaps myself* And I noticed that the Blog This! feature posts much faster than going through the Blogger page.
I can't wait to get X-Men on dvd.

viernes, noviembre 17, 2000

With all this election mumble jumble, I knew this one was coming sooner or later. You can now re-vote in the Florida Presidential election. You don't even have to live in Florida! LOL
I only worked out one day so far this week, being sick sucks ass. I hope to do some tae-bo tomorrow.
Other than that, tomorrow is the big Michigan vs. Ohio State game. Go Michigan!
I'm going to be lonely at work. It's a holiday at Ford but since I'm just collocated there, I don't get it off. :-(

jueves, noviembre 16, 2000

Oh please, get a grip: some are saying that Hooters "It's soft-core porn". People still have that type of mentality in the year 2000. I am SO glad that I moved out of that place.

miércoles, noviembre 15, 2000

Well.. Thank you Betcha! :-)
I just noticed that Netscape 6 uses about 25 megs of memory while running. Holy cow! They should include free memory with every download of NS6 ;-)
Blogger it's acting too slow today.
It's waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too cold out there, I will stay sick if it keeps up.

martes, noviembre 14, 2000

Well, I gave up and downloaded Netscape 6. After many download attempts (and I have cable modem), I finally found their full download on their ftp site. My impressions so far:

- A little slow when switching windows and selecting items. No crashes so far though
- It now recognizes the title tag on the links.. yay!
- My page looks good on NS6. The only thing I didn't like was that the checkbox doesn't show up if your background is white. No border around it whatsoever (maybe because I have it set to border-style=none?)
- Can't post from Blogger since the posting area is completely taken over by one of the frames, and I couldn't download the bookmarklet thing from the settings. I copied it from IE.
- Renders pretty much the CSS correctly.

But kids, remember that you may need to update your dhtml and cgi scripts. More information can be found here
I love to read the "Where are they now: Teen Idols" type of articles. Yes, I know it sounds pathetic.
Sooner or later it was going to happen, stamps prices will go up a penny on 2001. Still, I don't think 34¢ is too much for a stamp.

lunes, noviembre 13, 2000

If you have any questions about wtf happened on Florida, read this article. Is one of the best pieces I've seen so far. I specially like #4.

domingo, noviembre 12, 2000

I'm feeling weird today. I have something in between a cold and the flu and I don't like it a bit. I've been laying on the couch watching Mission to Mars on dvd. As always I didn't want to watch the movie but ended up liking it. I've come to the conclusion that no matter if the movie is good or if it sucks, I will always like it as long as it has to do something with space exploration, medieval times or dark religious stuff.
Look... cute baby on sight.