sábado, julio 21, 2001

$370 roundtrip from Detroit to San Juan.. not bad thinking that's American Airlines. I think I might take it and go home for a week at the end of August.

viernes, julio 20, 2001

How are you going to be a productive worker if they freeze all supply orders for 90 days? How am I going to look busy during meetings if I can't get any more of that nice spiral notepad where I do my doo^H^H^H^Hddles? I just hope those money-saving costs don't reflect on the cars coming out of the plants.
What, no pictures of that?
No wonder why she failed her driving test.
If you are still wondering when are you going to get the IRS rebate check, go here and find out. I'll get mine in about 2-3 weeks. What shall I do with it.. buy cheese? I like cheese.

jueves, julio 19, 2001

People can't get a room nowadays? Couple caught having sex in the library.
$1.29: the cheapest I've seen for mid-grade gasoline in a long time. I guess I should fill up before it's too late.

miércoles, julio 18, 2001

Wanna see where my house is located back in PR? zoom out and zoom in. Highway 22 takes you directly to San Juan, it passes by two major malls and it goes almost all the way around the island. Route #2 does take you around the island (it does turn into route 3 and route 1 in different parts though) but it takes longer, you know, traffic lights, going through towns and all.
Guys, now you can have Anna Kournikova in your own house very soon. Her workout video is coming out in September.

martes, julio 17, 2001

I heard this word on this radio show that I haven't heard in a looong time and I can't stop thinking about it: fugly! LOL Sorry I'm easily amused.

lunes, julio 16, 2001

Eitel got a new domain, it's called RedMojo.com. Any similarity with RedCricket is pure coincidence. I swear!

domingo, julio 15, 2001

You knew it was coming: Microsoft Mobile Phones. Actually they are looking to develop a plattform for "smart phones". I wonder if they get blue screens.