sábado, octubre 21, 2000

Is it too late to do tae-bo??? bah, I think I'll do it anyways.
Playing around with php again, so now you can post your comments right from the blog. Neat! I got it from here, and if I could just figure out how can I add a separator (like --) between the email and the comments I would be a happy camper.
My fortune according to hummer:
in the middle of incredible sex, an aeroplane will fall from the sky and crash after sex!

Note to self: no sex this weekend
Everyone is on a redesign mood! Eden made a layout for Shannon. It's gorgeous.. I'm so freaking jealous.
lisette has a spanky new layout. Loooove the orange darling!

Speaking of the plane tickets, we bought them tonight. In two months I will be escaping from the freezing cold Michigan weather to the warm (hot, comparing to how cold is going to get up here) Puerto Rican weather. Plus no work for two weeks (can't beat that!).

viernes, octubre 20, 2000

I might be going home for Christmas after all! *does happy dance* If we can get the price for the tickets this afternoon.. we are set. $500 plus taxes, from Lansing, MI (75 miles from here) to Cleveland then to San Juan, almost 2 weeks. Not bad, I wish it was cheaper though.

miércoles, octubre 18, 2000

I got off my butt today and did Tae-bo. I need to jump back on the wagon so I can look decent for next summer.. :P
After six seasons, Xena: Warrior Princess has been cancelled, due to low ratings.. Even though I haven't watched the show in a while, it's too bad Xena is getting cancelled. It was one of the few good shows that I could watch over the weekend (you can only watch so many sports each week you know?).
I'm so proud of myself. I've been sitting at the puter for 2 hours tonight. That's a record for me! I watched some tv for a change (Dark Angel and Son of the Beach were on).

I tried to watch the presidential debate but I just can't get into it. I only caught one part of it, when they were talking about affirmative action, and noticed how Gore just kept asking Bush all these questions and then the moderator caught him off in the middle of a sentence and said "Lets move on". That was great!

martes, octubre 17, 2000

I don't understand Netscape. The newer the version the worse it gets? At work I have Netscape 4.7 (Win) and the page looks fine (2 lines instead of three but I can deal with that)... but at home, with version 4.75, the lines don't repeat (I have them as cell backgound with limited width on the cell, they should repeat). ?!?!?!?!?!? If I can figure this out then I will call myself the "Netscape master".. heh
All these new chips are making my AMD K6-2 500Mhz look like a turtle.
woohoo! I learned how to parse files using SSI, so now it will be so much easier to change all the pages! *does the happy dance*

lunes, octubre 16, 2000

I miss that feeling, damn work gets on my way. *sigh*
I don't feel like changing the other pages, so I guess I'll do it sometime this week.
ok.. it looks so bad on Netscrape 4.75 (Win) but I tried everything and can't get that line to show up all the way on the table. I give up! Any ideas why is doing that please let me know
why that BlogScript tag keeps showing up on my page? $&*)($&#)&$*#)$)(#
testing... 123
I'm working on a new layout for the domain. So far it looks like this. If you see any bugs please let me know.

domingo, octubre 15, 2000