sábado, enero 06, 2001

In Puerto Rico we also celebrate Three Kings Day and Epiphany. Usually you get more gifts from family and then a get-together happens where you eat more food. But since the US influence in our culture is becoming more apparent these days, people are giving more importance to Santa Claus and Christmas than to the Kings. Now you get the good and neat presents on the 25th and the little, less important presents on January 6th. I remember that when me and my brothers were little, my granma wouldn't give us presents on Christmas, we had to wait until Epiphany to get them.
Note to self: must kill someone for leaving the alarm on at 7am ON A SATURDAY! I usually sleep in on the weekend, since I hate and despair getting up early on the week.
Isn't that the cutest thing? My cat doesn't eat sweets, she would rather eat paper! LOL
I was planning on playing more of the Sims tonight but my quick nap turned into a 4 hour sleep time. So now I can't go back to bed and don't feel like playing. Any sites out there that are worth checking?

viernes, enero 05, 2001

With the suddenly (I say suddenly because it was working fine earlier in the week) slowdown on Blogger, do you people realize how many people have jumped over to Greymatter and Organizine? I won't because I'm lazy and I have a bit more patience.
No humor
Daia redesigned again. She has some mad skills!

jueves, enero 04, 2001

referral of the day: pokemon+pikachu
Want to help Blogger? They do such a good job and I bet many people wouldn't even consider having pages if it wasn't for Blogger, so go ahead and donate.
Eitel got me The Sims two days ago, and I tell you, you really kill some time playing it. If only my sims would learn how to throw away their food and that when I tell them to go to bed it does not mean go to the fridge, I would be happy. And it looks like I'm not the only one with the addiction.

miércoles, enero 03, 2001

How many of you tried this recipe? he he

Recipe: Christmas Cake
1 cup of water
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup of sugar
1 tsp salt
1 cup of brown sugar
lemon juice
4 large eggs nuts
1 bottle Vodka
2 cups of dried fruit

1. Sample the vodka to check quality. Take a large bowl, check the vodka again.
2. To be sure it is the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink.
3. Repeat.
4. Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl.
5. Add one teaspoon of sugar. Beat again. At this point it's best to make sure the vodka is shtill OK.
6. Try another cup .... just in case
7. Turn off the mixerer.
8. Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit.
9. Pick fruit off floor.
10. Mix on the turner.
11. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers pry it loose with a sdrewscriver.
12. Sample the vodka to check for tonsisticity.
13. Next, sift two cups of salt. Or something. Who giveshz a shit.
14. Check the vodka.
15. Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table.
16. Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can find.
17. Greash the oven and piss in the fridge.
18. Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over.
19. Don't forget to beat off the turner.
20. Finally, throw the bowl through the window, finish the vodka and kick the cat.
21. Fall into bed.


martes, enero 02, 2001

Someone from the Department of Health and Human Services visited my page. I should get worried whenever someone from the FBI visits my page.
What a lovely site! Makes me want to redesign.. but I won't.

lunes, enero 01, 2001

Reminder: just because it's a holiday, it doesn't mean that the rent is not due today. Now I have to walk over to the office to drop off the check.

domingo, diciembre 31, 2000

There's no better way to say goodbye to the Millennium than watching The Powerpuff Girls and Dexter's Laboratory on the Cartoon Network.

I usually don't do any sort of lists/resolutions for the new year, but I think this time I will come up with some:
  • Try to work out more (sitting on the puter all day long doesn't help)
  • Get a raise
  • Do a better job around the house (but no cooking! I hate that)
  • Try to keep in touch with my friends
  • Save money for upcoming trips/emergencies

Some things I'm grateful for:
  • My health and that my family is healthy
  • My wonderful fiancé Eitel
  • Stopping at the animal shelter and chosing Fluffy from the bunch
  • For having food, a place to sleep and a job
  • For all the wonderful people that I've met online: Bandido, Caso, Shannon, Jish, venx, eden, ivjazz, sonia, Shamita, Betcha, Brooke, mel, Jen and many more (if I missed you.. sorry!)

Happy New Year!
I saw this in a signature at an UBB: Invest in America. Buy a congressman.
Is there a Diablo II Players Anonymous support group around where I can point Eitel too? He is addicted to that game (so addicted that he played during our trip to PR). I think I will pick up an addiction of my own. Maybe I will buy the Sims.