viernes, junio 08, 2001

It was about damn time! Today it was a beautiful, sunny and warm day, high in the upper 70s, no humidity. Too bad that I spent a good part of it at work. If it stays like this tomorrow I will take Brianna to the park. She loves to run and get all wet in the lake.

miércoles, junio 06, 2001

Happy Birthday to Jish.. the big 3-0, you are almost catching up with Eitel ;-)
alrighty, I'm jumping on the bandwagon.. I'm such a follower :P
Which one is false? Guess

1. I stole a pen from a grocery store once because my mom wouldn't buy it for me
2. I've never been busted for speeding
3. I can only wear gold jewerly since fake ones give me allergies
4. I don't eat vegetables
5. I took English from Kinder through 12th grade, but actually learned how to speak thanks to cable tv and the sitcoms
6. I had my first kiss when I was 15
7. I once pushed my brother onto the mirror wall on my mom's bedroom, causing his forehead to split open right in the middle.
8. My socks have to be at the same height when I'm wearing them
9. I collect Barbies and Beanie Babies
10. I've been drunk only once in my lifetime
I thought GWB only read bartending books.. heh

martes, junio 05, 2001

Me wants one of these: "Casio Introduces New Wrist Camera Watch That Can Record Images and Transfer Them in Color to Your PC"
I'm now the proud owner of the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon on dvd. It was $16.99 at Best Buy and people were skipping lunch to go buy it..heh everyone at the store was getting a copy. That movie kicks ass. I also got the Bring it On dvd (go Toros! he :P).

lunes, junio 04, 2001

LOL.. All your vote are belong to us
Did you know that today is "National Hug Day"? That means that you can walk up to that handsome guy you've been meaning to talk to and give him a hug ;)

domingo, junio 03, 2001

Could someone please give her a clue? icky
I don't understand dogs. I'm trying to sleep (after getting up at 7am to take Brianna out) and Brianna starts crying, moaning, jumping on the bed.. you get the drift. Since I can't sleep I decide to wake up. So I get ready and sit on the PC to read some emails and what Brianna does? Lies next to me and falls asleep. Not fair.. LOL
I'm getting a haircut today. I'm sick of this long hair, it gets so heavy that I don't feel like doing anything with it, therefore I stick it in a ponytail all the time. I'll probably have them chop 3 inches. Oh, and Eitel finally gets back today.. well tomorrow, the flight comes in at midnight. No more food starvation!! ;-)