sábado, agosto 26, 2000

For those of you looking for more alternatives to gbook.nu, here's one: getstring.com.
Who wants to get me one of these *drools* Pentium 4
I really mean it this time when I say that I'm going to clean up the old place today. Five days left and then I will officially check out of the apartment.

jueves, agosto 24, 2000

I'm glad I wasn't at Comerica Park last night for the Invasion of the Flying Ants
People!! you won't find any recan porn here. And what the hell is recan? Like rican as in Puerto Rican? I have no idea.

miércoles, agosto 23, 2000

Well, I will spoil it for all the West Coast people..... Rich won (4-3) and Kelly came in second. I was so sure that Kelly was going to win, but I guess she picked the wrong number. And I must say, Sue, you are a bad bad loser.
Who will win the million in Survivor? I'm going to watch! I don't want to be left out :P
Happy Birthday to you!
¡Feliz Cumpleaños a ti!

martes, agosto 22, 2000

Congratulations on the closing of your house, Silver!
This guy is so talented. I love his writing and his design. I can't remember how I got here but I'm glad I did.

lunes, agosto 21, 2000

I'm too lazy to change guestbooks again, but if you are sick of gbook.nu, look at Megabook. It runs from your server (need cgi and perl) and the best part, it's free and no ads!
My cable modem got installed today and I downloaded Netscape at 178 KB/sec. I couldn't go over 100 KB/sec with the DSL. I love high speed access :)

domingo, agosto 20, 2000

Let's see if Mediaone can finally come over and install the digital cable/cable modem. Watching only local channels from Detroit and Toledo is no fun.
oh my god!!!!! fonts, fonts and more fonts!! I'm going crazy here at The Font Machine.
I want this.
Bar bought some blank CD-R cds so now I'm off to burning some Spanish mp3's, that way I won't be bored at work.
I didn't know that Christina Aquilera had pointy ears like a vulcan. It looks like she does on this lunchbox.

I dig metal lunchboxes. Too bad they don't sell them anymore. Maybe I will start collecting them.
Oh.. and I have no idea how people can live without cable! Toledo local channels have a better reception than Detroit's (at least on my tv).
Finally! Everything is here, now I need to unpack all the clothes, books and other stuff. Then the place will stop looking like a nut house.