viernes, agosto 18, 2000

Here are some pictures of the townhouse. I like it!
One more month to my birthday!! I'll be 24 on September 18th
Tomorrow some of Eitel's friends are coming over to help move the big things then all we have to do is clean clean clean the old apartment. To make things worse, it feels like Fall around here. It got down to 50 (F) last night and I think the high today is 62. brrrr

miércoles, agosto 16, 2000

I swear that I won't move again!!! Too many things to move back and forth and we still need to clean the apartment.

martes, agosto 15, 2000

So, the cable guy never showed up. The excuse? That I called and rescheduled the appointment for Monday. If I did that, then why I was sitting around all afternoon waiting for these morons to come? Then they said that they called... yeah right, no voice mail left and the number didn't show up on the Caller ID. Liars! Now I have to wait until Monday to get the cable modem and the digital cable installed. *sigh*
Did I mention that my fiancé Bar also redesigned his blog? It's contagious! And if you sign his guestbook and mine, I'll give you a virtual cookie.
Go figure, the day I'm supposed to start moving my stuff to the new townhouse, it gets all cloudy, hot, humid and with a big chance of thunderstorms. I just hope that the rain stops before the cable guy comes in.

lunes, agosto 14, 2000

Booooo to AOL
This is what my cat's name means:
Information about this name:
Related Name:Fluff
Meaning: Covered with fluff, Soft, light and airy.
Screen Details: The name of the family cat in the TV series the "Brady Bunch". Cartman's pet pig in "South Park".
Cat Rank (AU): 35 Cat Rank(US): 24

Well, she is soft, somewhat light and she can get some airtime when jumping from the window to the bed (or from the top of the cupboards to the floor).

Oh no! It's Jabba the Hasselhoff
I snuck out of work early today! I have to run some errands and go to the Secretary of State and change the address on my registration, driver's license, etc etc etc

domingo, agosto 13, 2000

Dang it, the weekend is over and I have to work tomorrow. But, on Tuesday I get the keys of the townhouse we are going to be living in. So I'm excited!
I'm hungry.. what should I eat? I'm craving Little Ceasars' breadsticks.. yum!
The latest spam I just received (don't you just love it):

Dear Friend:

''Making over half million dollars every 4 to 5 months from your home for an investment of only $25 U.S. Dollars expense one time''


sure dude, if you are so rich why using a fake email address like (I doubt that anybody will have that kind of email address)? Maybe it is because you are in the Philippines using bah!