sábado, diciembre 09, 2000

My TV family is: The Simpsons

Cue the blue skies, white clouds, and heavenly chorus — your family is most like everyone's favorite Springfield residents, The Simpsons! Your clan may not have spiky yellow (or blue) hair or only four fingers per hand, but Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, Maggie, and even Grandpa are still your family's TV soulmates. Sure, they squabble with the best of them (remember the time Bart burned Lisa's centerpiece? or when Homer ended up living in Bart's tree house after Marge got mad and threw him out?) but they always come through for each other when it counts. Look past the clever one-liners and surreal adventures, and you'll see a family with as much dysfunction — and as much love — as you and your nearest and dearest have in real life. So, to celebrate your Simpsonness, pull up a couch, grab a Duff beer, plop down in front of the TV, veg out, and thank your lucky stars that you don't have the Flanders family living next door!

Okay.. I'll just lay in bed with the laptop and the tv on. I love multitasking.

viernes, diciembre 08, 2000

I'm so sick of this damn election deal. When will it end? Just keep Clinton for four more years, at this point I don't really care.

jueves, diciembre 07, 2000

I know you people have some baby pictures laying around somewhere. Heck, I even found one here and I thought they were all back in PR. So why don't you go over here and submit your pic?

miércoles, diciembre 06, 2000

I'm going here in a week. Can't you tell I'm escaping from this freezing cold weather? The high is 87ºF during the month of December :-)
I don't want to sound mean but this is so funny, The Palm Beach Voter.
All free things always come to an end.

martes, diciembre 05, 2000

Today it was the mother of all traffic slowdowns. The roads were icy, snow was blowing all over the place and the idiots that think they can drive 85mph in this kind of weather were sliding and spinning all over the place. It took me over two hours to get to work, which is only 28 miles away (all highway). I'm just glad that I decided to get gas before hitting I-94, because I bet you a million bucks that I would've run out of gas on the interstate (I had a quarter of a tank left).

lunes, diciembre 04, 2000

It looks like this page can crash Netscape 4.7 under Windows 98 at work. Wow.. I never did such a good job at crashing something ;-)
Looked who jumped on the weblog bandwagon: Mr. Bush Jr himself... heheh And speaking of Bush, this is selling on e-bay. Go and bid folks, because that ballot machine it's going to be a collector's item one of these days.

domingo, diciembre 03, 2000

I just noticed that Nikolai lives in Michigan, heck he lives about 35 minutes from me and I used to work about 10 minutes from Westland. Small world eh?
Everytime I watch the movie The Mighty I cry like a baby at the end. It's a beautiful movie that focuses on friendship and human spirit.
Congratulations Jen on your engagement!
Finally uploaded the new layout. And I swear, no more layouts for some time. At least until it stops snowing here in Michigan, and that's going to be around March or April (how long it will take me to break that promise? hehe). The picture it's from tonystone and the pattern on the blue part of the background is from Photoshop 6 and it's the one that Eitel used on his blog but I changed the opacity a bit. Fonts used: OCR A Extended, Tall Paul and vargas.