sábado, enero 20, 2001

According to the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, I'm ISFJ (introversion-sensation-feeling-judgement), in other words a Protector. And my temperament is of a Guardian. So that makes me a Protector Guardian. I think most of it is accurate, specially the Guardian portrait.

jueves, enero 18, 2001

Wanna buy Eitel's soul? How about mine?
"If there's any environmental regulations that's preventing California from having a 100 percent max output at their plants, as I understand there may be, then we need to relax those regulations," Bush said.
I tell you, we are so doomed in the next four years. It's going to be worse than the Reagan/Bush era. When is the next flight to Mars departing? I think I want to start fresh in another planet!
My result on the Pyromania Purity Test:
- You answered "yes" to 1 of 100 questions, making you 99.0% pyro pure (1.0% pyro corrupt); that is, you are 99.0% pure in the pyro domain (you have 1.0% pyromaniac in you).
- Your Weirdness Factor (AKA Uniqueness Factor) is 33%, based on a comparison of your test results with 24313 other submissions for this test.
- The average purity for this test is 66.4%.
I need some motivation to workout. I want to do it but then I just don't feel like it. So yeah, I've gained some weight in two years and yada yada yada, but I don't want to keep buying work clothes. I want to be able to do some before going to work but I'm just too lazy to get up at 5:45am. I'm a sleepyhead, k? Maybe I should do a calendar/log of all the days I work out so I can motivate myself. I dunno, maybe do it with someone else (anyone?).

<whispering>For now I will keep blaming Eitel</whispering>
I'm just wondering how come I am #2 on a search for nasty web cam pictures =/

miércoles, enero 17, 2001

I took Eitel to Benihana. We don't go there that often, since usually we spend about $60 on both of us whenever we go. But you get sooo full and satisfied, you won't eat later on the day (night). I had Hibachi steak and Eitel had Rocky's Choice (steak and chicken). All I want to know is what's the name of the vegetable on the Hibachi vegetables. I know it has onion and mushrooms, but I can't identify the green vegetable.
Happy 31st birthday to my fiancé, Eitel!! Why don't you send him some loving email or even better, buy him something from his list *wink wink*
"Today, Zucker met with the cast of Friends last week and suggested expanding future episodes. The six stars reportedly will be paid extra for the additional scenes. (As if $750,000 an episode wasn't enough compensation.)"
Oh yeah, they work soooooooooo hard that they need extra compensation. I can use some of that money!

martes, enero 16, 2001

I have so many pictures of Fluffy, that I will make a page just for her. You think she will thank me? :P
I'm so sleepy right now

lunes, enero 15, 2001

I can just picture Bush Jr. trying to say my name.. hahah if Antonin was difficult, then mine would be impossible.
Let the mania begin! My page under the Drug Slang Translator looks like this. What's even funnier, how it changed some of the links to other blogs: dan.el.opium, /usr/bin/cocaine, 2-(4-bromo-2,5 diethoxy-phenyl)-ethylamine diablo (see that Shannon? LOL).
Here I am at work, all alone. I don't get MLK off, so I'm one of the few people on this building. I have to prepare this visual presentation for a cataloging pilot we are developing. Cutting photos from catalogues and putting all the data on an Excel sheet is not that hard. Done deal. But I'm supposed to plot it on the HP Laser Jet 1055CM, one of those big ass (color) plotters with the huge and heavy roll of paper. As I start plotting the first sheet, I run out of paper. Go figure!! Can't find any paper around here, and even if I did, those rolls are heavy! I can carry that around here by myself. So there goes my plan for the day.
Anyone wants to hack this system for fifty grand?

domingo, enero 14, 2001

I just washed my car yesterday and it's supposed to snow tomorrow. Go figure!
I got this on an email.. and damn it's all true!

Drawbacks To Working In A Cubicle
1) Being told to "Think Outside the Box" when I'm in the @#$%? box all day!
2) Not being able to check E-mail attachments without first seeing who is behind me.
3) Fabric cubicle walls do not offer much protection from any kind of gun fire.
4) That nagging feeling that if I just press the right button, I will get a piece of cheese.
5) Lack of roof rafters for the noose.
6) My walls are too close together for my hammock to work right.
7) Women: Damned near impossible to adjust your bra or slip without comment. Men: Co-workers tend to stare when you take your pants off.
8) 23 power cords, 1 outlet.
9) Prison cells are not only bigger, they have beds.
10) Can't slam the door when you quit and walk out
I can imagine this being a corporate standard at Ford. hehe I also know that Katie would want one :P