viernes, noviembre 16, 2001

I had no idea it was so hard to buy unisex clothes for the baby. I'm trying to buy things that I find on sale but all the cute stuff is either blue or pink!! All I can see is green and yellow.. what about some grey eh? I could use grey heh

miércoles, noviembre 14, 2001

Next time my mom decides to call me at 6:30am in the weee hours of the morning, I'm going to kill her. Actually I just won't pick up the phone, which I tried to do but she kept dialing the number! grrr I need those extra 10 minutes before actually getting up for work.

domingo, noviembre 11, 2001

I read on some pregnancy ubb that I read that the new Dairy Queen Frozen Hot Chocolate Smoothie thing was really good.. and damn them, it is! I've had pretty much one of them every day LOL I even got Eitel hooked on it.