martes, diciembre 25, 2001

lunes, diciembre 24, 2001

I'm about ready to ditch Blogger. wow what took me so long? ;) All I need is to tweak the archives on Movable Type, export/import the Blogger posts and presto. If it wasn't for all those Perl modules that I had to install (because my webhost didn't have them), I'd say that MT was a breeze to configure.
for preg women in a pissy mood like me, Santa jokes!

Dear Santa:
I wud like a kool toy space ranjur fer Xmas. Iv ben a gud boy all yeer. Yer Frend,

Dear Billy,
Nice spelling. You're on your way to a career in lawn care. How about I send you a f***ing book so you can learn to read and write? I'm giving your older brother the space ranger. At least he can spell.

domingo, diciembre 23, 2001

Pregnant women have cravings. Everyone knows that. Then why can't I have a definite craving? People tell me of how they always craved chinese food, or pickles with ice cream (yuck!) among other things. But me? Nope, I can't even decide on that! Yesterday it was pretzels, today is piña colada, tomorrow who knows!!! And when is time to eat something, forget that! I can't make up my mind and it's driving me and Eitel crazy. ugh!!

sábado, diciembre 22, 2001

bored on a Saturday night:

I am 41% evil.
I could go either way. I have sinned quite a bit but I still have a bit of room for error. My life is a tug of war between good and evil. Are you evil?
ick.. somebody needs to get a fashion clue
I want one of these so bad, Auntie Anne's garlic and cinnamon sugar pretzels. And I want them NOW!!! Why is it that the closest store is 40 minutes away? damn suburbs for being to spread out. Looks like someone is going to take me there today. I mean, he better take me there today.

viernes, diciembre 21, 2001

Lookie, I'm actually going to get wrapped presents for Christmas! :P I stole it from S and E.

jueves, diciembre 20, 2001

Vacation starts tomorrow.. but I have nothing planned. nothing. Nobody is coming up to visit us (like that will ever happen.. re family) and we have no $$ to go anywhere (getting 4 new tires plus a new belt, oil change, yada yada yada is lotta $$). Plus with the upcoming pay cut that I'm getting (damn you OEMs!) I will be watching my money carefully. I guess my plans will be to sleep, eat, sleep, eat, etc. b o r i n g

martes, diciembre 18, 2001

20-week checkup: gained 5 lbs from last visit (7 weeks ago). Looked at the ultrasound measurements and the baby is measuring one week ahead of schedule but my EDD will stay the same anyways (it's only a week) and the heartbeat was 163. The doctor had hard time keeping up with the baby! She was moving so much lol I bet she is going to be impatient like her mother hahah :P

lunes, diciembre 17, 2001

Tom Green files for divorce from Drew Barrymore. Somehow I'm not surprised.
Nobody told me that today was supposed to be one of the busiest days at the Post Office. If I would've known, Eitel would've been the one standing in line with 2 packages instead of me.
OTOH, the supervisors are on vacation. wheeeeee :P
I don't want to go to work. Work is going to be boring this week. I don't want to go to work. bleh

domingo, diciembre 16, 2001

New layout. Didn't take too long to do it, I mean it's only nested tables. And while I was working on it, the baby decided to move quite a bit. I think that means she likes the computer! lol good girl ;)

sábado, diciembre 15, 2001

Just when I think I have $$ left to buy stuff, I have to replace the serpentine belt on my car. oh, and the outer tie rods are bad also. damn plus I need a new air filter. anything else? sucks

martes, diciembre 11, 2001

man, I thought Blogger was down yesterday. Nope, it was my DNS crapping on me. bleh

Anyways, ultrasound went ok yesterday. Everything looks ok but the doctor will let me know the specifics next week. The tech took a look at the baby and she told us that it looks like a girl, that she couldn't see any boy parts. Good enough for me (I guess those open leg vibes worked lol). If you want to see the pics, the links are on the left over there --->

sábado, diciembre 08, 2001

INCREASE YOUR PENIS SIZE BY 1" ...2" ...3" ...

just what I need eh? now they think I'm a guy. But hey, I got this one also:

**Breast Enhancement Cream**
Women increased their bust size by over 2"

Don't you just love spam email?

martes, diciembre 04, 2001

to (obviously a fake addy) from Costa Rica: quit sending me empty emails. I think 104 emails is enough.
Looks like I'll have a connection for at least three more months, since Comcast came with some kind of agreement with @home. OTOH I've been having problems sleeping. I can't find a comfortable position and spend all night moving and switching sides. Sucks ass. I don't want to see what's going to be like when this belly grows ten fold. And next Monday is the level II Ultrasound, so please send the baby some open legs vibes.. lol I want to know the sex already heh

jueves, noviembre 29, 2001

To my three readers: If I disappear after tomorrow, this is why. And dialup won't work because I have no land line.

martes, noviembre 27, 2001

news today at work: Ford prepares to trim temp worker companies. And my company is one of them. They don't know what to tell us, just that we shouldn't rush making our decisions.

viernes, noviembre 23, 2001

What's better than an Iron Chef marathon or a Star Trek TNG Marathon? Going shopping for baby stuff! wheeee

jueves, noviembre 22, 2001


I am pretty addicted, but there is hope. I think I'm just well connected to the internet and technology, but it's really a start of a drug-like addiction. I must act now! Unplug this computer!

ME? addicted? nah, Eitel is the one addicted :P
Happy Thanksgiving Day!

martes, noviembre 20, 2001

First belly pic: 15W6D. It's still little but damn my waist did get big.

domingo, noviembre 18, 2001

What's better than Iron Chef USA? The new Justice League show in Cartoon Network. Brilliant! Plus you get to see Green Lantern, Superman and Flash ;)
No meteor shower over here in SE Michigan. Go figure, we had thick fog from around 8pm to who knows this morning. Couldn't see a thing. sucks!

viernes, noviembre 16, 2001

I had no idea it was so hard to buy unisex clothes for the baby. I'm trying to buy things that I find on sale but all the cute stuff is either blue or pink!! All I can see is green and yellow.. what about some grey eh? I could use grey heh

miércoles, noviembre 14, 2001

Next time my mom decides to call me at 6:30am in the weee hours of the morning, I'm going to kill her. Actually I just won't pick up the phone, which I tried to do but she kept dialing the number! grrr I need those extra 10 minutes before actually getting up for work.

domingo, noviembre 11, 2001

I read on some pregnancy ubb that I read that the new Dairy Queen Frozen Hot Chocolate Smoothie thing was really good.. and damn them, it is! I've had pretty much one of them every day LOL I even got Eitel hooked on it.

viernes, noviembre 09, 2001

Week 15 is almost here and I feel like everything inside me is stretching. It's a weird feeling, which means that I'm probably going to start getting big soon. I can still wear my size 12 pants but soon I might need to buy maternity clothes. Besides that and the headaches that keep pounding me, everything is ok. I can listen to the baby's heartbeat at home now, around 155-160bpm. It's so cool!

miércoles, noviembre 07, 2001

domingo, noviembre 04, 2001

This is what I get for downloading the new ICQ 2001b. I took most of my contacts and put them under "Awaiting authorization". New and improved eh?

sábado, noviembre 03, 2001

oooooh cute pregnant dolls! I think some of the brunette ones look like Cher lol

viernes, noviembre 02, 2001

Latest cost-saving measure: no trash cans at the office cubes. Take your trash to some designated location somewhere in your builduing (including food, paper, etc). WTF?? That was everyone's reaction today. You comeback the next day to find no trash cans on your cube. No email notification about it, no announcement made. By noon, we had them all back. It looks like someone in upper management didn't like the idea of not having a trash can and *gasp* walking with the rest of us to the trash area. heheh

That's the story of the day and I'm sticking by it :P

martes, octubre 30, 2001

Finally listened to the baby's heartbeat, 160bpm. It's so cool, that I might rent one of these so I can listen at home.

domingo, octubre 28, 2001

I'm officially in my second trimester. yay! My next pre-natal visit is on Tuesday, so I hope to listen to the heartbeat this time (saw it last time during the ultrasound).

viernes, octubre 26, 2001

Remember kids that you get an extra hour of sleep this weekend. Like I need any more sleep these days LOL
Friday: Cloudy and windy with snow showers likely. High near 42F. Winds W 25 to 35 mph and gusty. Chance of precipitation 60%.

snow showers... ick, as long as it stops while I'm driving to/from work, I'm okay with it.

domingo, octubre 21, 2001

Am I supposed to get all these pimples while pregnant? Damn I feel like a teenager again. It sucks.

sábado, octubre 20, 2001

You can blame Shannon for this one. I finally went to Macaroni Grill for lunch (hey is cheaper) and ordered the Penne Arrabbiata. It was good! Plus they gave you tons of it, which I had to take home, of course. yum yum yum

viernes, octubre 19, 2001

Bye bye green, hello eadible colors ;)
I was lazy to come up with a new layout so I borrowed one of Zal's lovely layouts over at brokensky. The rest of the pages will change this weekend.

miércoles, octubre 17, 2001

Laura is back.. yay!
Watched Smallville last night. I thought it was good, plus the guy that plays Clark Kent is hot (in a Superman kinda way).

martes, octubre 16, 2001

Everyone is so worried about anthrax in the past couple of days. I'm not worried about that, as long as they keep smallpox out of the equation.

sábado, octubre 13, 2001

How to get our revenge with a bloodless attack? Drop pr0n-bombs. hahaha
Happy Birthday to the lovely Shannon!!! Now she is as old as I am.. :P

viernes, octubre 12, 2001

jueves, octubre 11, 2001

I had to do it, you know the Baby Registry at Amazon. Feel free to buy me stuff LOL :P
Decisions, decisions.. I don't know what to watch tonight, Friends or the new Survivor. Life is so complicated :P

Click here to find out what robot you really are

miércoles, octubre 10, 2001

wow I already show up on search engines: "pregnant girls". That didn't take too long.

lunes, octubre 08, 2001

I need a new layout but have no inspiration whatsoever. Anybody wants to volunteer? ;)

domingo, octubre 07, 2001

jueves, octubre 04, 2001

I really have a good reason why I'm not in the blogging mood. I've been feeling kinda awful lately. It feels like the flu but it isn't. I'm pregnant. Yep, me, "the one with the irregular cycle when I'm not on the pill"; me, who never thought I would get pregnant this soon. Guess not eh? After taking 3 hpt tests that came out positive, I finally went to the doctor this week. I'm about 9 1/2 weeks (give or take some days, since I can't remember for sure when I ovulalted/conceived/whatever). I didn't feel anything until after my first month, meaning that I went home pregnant and didn't know it. I have mostly nausea, my boobs feel heavy and that yucky metallic taste in my mouth when I get up in the morning, ick! This means I better start saving money, since I don't get paid when I go in maternity leave (sucks) and daycare is e x p e n s i v e around here. We'll see how it goes.

martes, octubre 02, 2001

omg omg omg.. Star Trek TNG marathon on TNN. This rules. BTW, am I the only one that thinks that TNN's page sucks ass? That is some ugly page.

lunes, octubre 01, 2001

New month, maybe I should start posting eh? But not this early. Noooo still too early for me. One thing, Michigan weather sucks. It goes up and down, from cold to warm to cold. No wonder everyone is getting sick. ick! Well look, I did post this early :P Off to work!

viernes, septiembre 21, 2001

I really need to get back in blogging mood. I just don't feel like it..
Thanks for all the birthday wishes/cards/ecards/presents. I really appreciate it! :)

sábado, septiembre 15, 2001

I came back Monday night and all my stuff is still on my suitcase. Should I unpack?? lol. As a reminder, my birthday is next Tuesday, I'll be 25 (or "peseta", how they call it back home, means quarter).

martes, septiembre 11, 2001

I don't know what to say.. I'm speechless about what happened today.

martes, septiembre 04, 2001

Yeah, I'm still alive and kicking. And I want to go back already!!! I miss Eitel and my babies. Oh, and for those spammers of the world, my email is not working, something is messed up with the Mail Manager in my hosting account, so I don't have any mailboxes. Sucks

jueves, agosto 30, 2001

After seven hours in airports/airplanes, I finally made it. It's humid as hell and my hair doesn't like humidity lol. One thing I forgot, people don't know how to drive around here. Tailgating, cutting you off on every possible way, merging without using the signal and parking the cars in anything that looks like a spot can make your blood pressure rise. Oh, and I see more malls/building/parking ramps/restaurants in the metro area than ever before. No wonder traffic here sucks monkey hairy ass.

miércoles, agosto 29, 2001

Things to buy before I leave: batteries for the digicam and shampoo. I don't like the kind my mom uses, so I'm bringing my own.

domingo, agosto 26, 2001

Note to self: don't forget to watch the Madonna concert on HBO tonight.
dammit this sucks: Singer-Actress Aaliyah Dies in Bahamas Plane Crash. RIP

sábado, agosto 25, 2001

Anybody wants to buy me a ticket for tonight's Powerball? I don't feel like driving two hours to the state line to get it.
OMG.. The reason I started watching Star Trek TNG was because of him and now he has a weblog. That is so cool.

viernes, agosto 24, 2001

I think I should update my Amazon wishlist, since my birthday is coming up soon *hint*


miércoles, agosto 22, 2001

You know you are having a bad day when.. your dog decides to chew a hole in your rented couch while you are upstairs minding your own business in the peecee. First the carpet (3x) now the couch. I'm going to start a poll.. what's next?

martes, agosto 21, 2001

Only nine more days for my trip! I'm getting so excited!!! I love to fly and even more when I got a good deal on the plane tix. I'll be in sunny, hot and humid Puerto Rico while Eitel stays in not so humid Michigan.

viernes, agosto 17, 2001

From USAToday: Debbie Does Dallas slipped out from behind the curtained section of your video store and onto the stage. A theater adaptation of the porn "classic" is playing at Manhattan's Kraine Theater as part of the New York International Fringe Festival.

jueves, agosto 16, 2001

miércoles, agosto 15, 2001

This is proof that having millions doesn't necessarily mean that you know how to dress.

domingo, agosto 12, 2001

I watched American Pie 2 on Friday, and all I have to say is.. all them girls look soooo skinny! Tara Reid is trying to compete with Christina Aguilera.. ugh. The movie was good, it has a couple of hilarious scenes but I still think the first one was much better.

viernes, agosto 10, 2001

wow I'm up this early in the morning, a miracle! I have a doctor's appointment in the morning and I need to do 4 hrs of work today (worked 9 hrs each day this week). Zzzzzzzzz

miércoles, agosto 08, 2001

Eitel and I went to see Rush Hour 2 tonight. It was entertaining, even with Chris Tucker's annoying voice. And the best part? The bloopers at the end of the movie! LOL I just love those.
I just have to say this: it's so fucking HOT out there, 99ºF with heat index of 110. Insane!

sábado, agosto 04, 2001

If I change from a C to a D cup and take away some cavities, I'm worth $2,000,746.00

viernes, agosto 03, 2001

The other day I was watching Nick at Nite and they were showing the Brady Bunch Pop-up video style!! It was very interesting, and whenever the Pop-up videos are shown, I have to watch them. I just wonder if it was a one time thing or if they do that on the weekends.

In other news, purple ketchup coming to stores near you this fall. Eitel thinks it looks like puke.
I better post something this week for my two loyal readers out there. We finally got some rain last night and this morning, but I don't think it's enough to lift the water restrictions the area has. Can't complain though, I rather have this warm weather than the nasty blizzards we get in the winter. The dog decided to chew on more carpet and that brings the total of 3 holes on the (rented) carpet from her and one from the cat. fun fun fun! :P

lunes, julio 30, 2001

According to Human For Sale and their exact calculation, I'm worth $1,472,000.00 $1,661,744.00. That's it? What a rip-off! (the amount changed because I missed the intellectual section earlier, go figure)

domingo, julio 29, 2001

If your house burns down because you forgot that the poor Pop-tart was in the toaster, you don't have the right to sue Kellogg for your stupidity.

viernes, julio 27, 2001

About damn time!! new camtoon.. yay!
I did a building to building move yesterday at work. I was supposed to have my PC and my Sun machine moved over in the morning, and the movers didn't pick them up until 7pm last night. go movers!! So I did nothing yesterday (what a shame!! :P). I just hope that I don't have to move ever again (or at least wait another year to do so).

lunes, julio 23, 2001

It's so fucking hot and humid over here. At 6:30am this morning humidity was 95%. Right now is 90ºF and 100% humidity. I have no idea how I managed to live down in PR for so long, where you get this kind of weather almost all year-round. But now that I think about it, maybe I'll lose some 5 lbs when I go down there next month.

domingo, julio 22, 2001

I gave up and bought the ticket. I'm flying DTW-ORD-SJU via American Airlines on August 30th, returning on September 10th for the grand price of $372 (found on Side Step). The same itinerary at AA's page was quoted as $396. Not bad I guess. This is all thanks to that rebate check I'm getting in two weeks and thanks to Eitel for lending me the money in advance.
Where's everybody? I'm all alone!! *sniff*

sábado, julio 21, 2001

$370 roundtrip from Detroit to San Juan.. not bad thinking that's American Airlines. I think I might take it and go home for a week at the end of August.

viernes, julio 20, 2001

How are you going to be a productive worker if they freeze all supply orders for 90 days? How am I going to look busy during meetings if I can't get any more of that nice spiral notepad where I do my doo^H^H^H^Hddles? I just hope those money-saving costs don't reflect on the cars coming out of the plants.
What, no pictures of that?
No wonder why she failed her driving test.
If you are still wondering when are you going to get the IRS rebate check, go here and find out. I'll get mine in about 2-3 weeks. What shall I do with it.. buy cheese? I like cheese.

jueves, julio 19, 2001

People can't get a room nowadays? Couple caught having sex in the library.
$1.29: the cheapest I've seen for mid-grade gasoline in a long time. I guess I should fill up before it's too late.

miércoles, julio 18, 2001

Wanna see where my house is located back in PR? zoom out and zoom in. Highway 22 takes you directly to San Juan, it passes by two major malls and it goes almost all the way around the island. Route #2 does take you around the island (it does turn into route 3 and route 1 in different parts though) but it takes longer, you know, traffic lights, going through towns and all.
Guys, now you can have Anna Kournikova in your own house very soon. Her workout video is coming out in September.

martes, julio 17, 2001

I heard this word on this radio show that I haven't heard in a looong time and I can't stop thinking about it: fugly! LOL Sorry I'm easily amused.

lunes, julio 16, 2001

Eitel got a new domain, it's called Any similarity with RedCricket is pure coincidence. I swear!

domingo, julio 15, 2001

You knew it was coming: Microsoft Mobile Phones. Actually they are looking to develop a plattform for "smart phones". I wonder if they get blue screens.

sábado, julio 14, 2001

(reposted, old post got all messed up)
Well, it looks like Eitel lost
He used to get that domain last year, and according to the initial email it was supposed to expire on June 4th, but he never got that email from them asking them to renew it (how can you miss it, it's an annoying HTML mail). So now some registar called has it. So, he is pissed. Now his major email account is lost and who knows, you might not see him around much after this one. You can still see his page over here

update: some guy from Taiwan has it and wants $600US for it.. hahah yeah right
I am dead tired. Yesterday Eitel and I skipped work and after dropping off the dog at the vet for her overnight stay, we drove 147 miles to Cedar Point. It was wonderful! It wasn't as crowded as it usually gets on the weekends, so the longest I had to wait in line was one hour for Millennium Force. The rest of them were anything from fifteen to forty-five minutes. So what did we do all day? Rollercoasters!!
- Millennium, 2
- Magnum, 3
- Raptor, 2
- Mantis, Mean Streak, Gemini and Corkscrew, once.

jueves, julio 12, 2001

miércoles, julio 11, 2001

lunes, julio 09, 2001

Que sin ti la vida se me va
Oh, Vuelve
Que me falta el aire si tu no estas
Oh, Vuelve
Nadie ocupara tu lugar

Sobra tanto espacio
Si no estas
No paso un minuto sin pensar
Sin ti la vida lentamente se me va

( if it starts raining it ain't my fault :P )
OMG.. this picture of picture of David Hasselhoff should be banned from the internet. He looks awful.

domingo, julio 08, 2001

Yesterday I bought Kraft's Fat Free Ceasar dressing, and all I have to say is... YUCK! That thing is disgusting! If I want that much sweet taste in my salad I would use sugar instead. So I went and bought Emeril's Ceasar dressing, and boy that is sooo good. I'd pay anything for that little (12oz) bottle.
I'm so bored that I'm listening to Debbie Gibson. Remember Electric Youth? Eternal Flame? Lost in Your Eyes? I do, someone please shoot me.

sábado, julio 07, 2001

I wanna be bad
You make bad look so good
I've got things on my mind
I never thought I would
I, I wanna be bad
You make bad feel so good
I'm losing all my cool
I'm about to break the rules
I, I wanna be bad

viernes, julio 06, 2001

Who's my top referrer right after Google? The crickets from the RC boards with an average of 400 hits a month, or about 7-10MB of data. cool! *waves to all the crickets*
This is for dan, who wanted to see more pr0n. Satisfied? ;)
My rock name is Electric Desire. If I use my two last names, it's Velvet Venus. What's yours?
Today's searches: tampon sex and vampires in puerto rico. There are no vampires here, but a couple of years ago Eitel decided to go as Dracula for this Halloween party back in PR. Does that count?
Sure Microsoft, sporadic outages my ass. Everyone I know is having problems with the stupid Messenger.

jueves, julio 05, 2001

Why would someone search for edonkey2000 dot com is beyond me.. isn't it easier to just type that as the url? *sigh*
What is this in Big Brother 2... where are the hot young guys? All I see are old farts! Not fair.

miércoles, julio 04, 2001

Now my Sound Blaster Live! sound card doesn't work. According to Windows it does, but no sound comes out of my speakers. That would explain why it started conflicting with my network card. Oh well, I only paid $50 for it (I got it OEM). In the meantime, I'll settle for the Sound Blaster PCI128 that I was using before.
It's a sad day for TRL fans, Carson Daly and Tara Reid broke up and (obviously) cancelled their wedding. Who knows, now dan has a chance with Carson.
Happy Fourth of July!!! Here I have no idea how they really celebrate it, since I slept half of the day already, but back home even though is not our independence, we go to the beach and people just sit there and eat/drink beer.

martes, julio 03, 2001

I hate reinstalling Windows. Somehow the audio card was conflicting with my network card so I couldn't get Win2k up. Reinstalling everything fixed it, which doesn't surprise me at all.
Lesson learned today: never let other people use your PC, because when they are done with it your PC will get stuck in the middle of booting up, even on Safe Mode.

lunes, julio 02, 2001

This week is going to be a slooooooooooooow week at work. Pretty much everyone is taking either the whole week of half of it off, and I won't since next week I'm taking two days off so I can go to Cedar Point in Ohio.
First people searched for constipated pregnant girls, now they search for constipated girls and lambada pictures.
No more worries! The solution to all of our love problems can be found over at Sell My Boy(Girl)friend.

domingo, julio 01, 2001

My cat likes to hide under the covers, and she looks so cute when she does.

sábado, junio 30, 2001

When I was thinking about getting a dog, someone mentioned that dogs wouldn't eat my furniture but they would most likely eat my shoes. Well, they should've said that they also eat cell phones. Brianna got a hold of Eitel's cell phone while we were gone, and this is how it looks like now: 1 2 3
Life on the 'net (flash movie).

viernes, junio 29, 2001

Ferrili, one of Rome's most popular figures and a life long AS Roma fan, pledged to strip if her favorite team won the Serie A soccer championship. You won't see that over here.
I don't think I can find the words to express how I feel about this outfit. yuck?

miércoles, junio 27, 2001

WIth all the talk that's going around about NY banning cell phones while driving, I want to address a new issue. Yesterday I saw someone on an Explorer Sport weaving on the left lane while playing with a Slinky. The guy was driving with one hand and playing with his Slinky with the other hand. Slinkys are the devil! We must ban Slinkys at all cost... death to the Slinky!!

disclaimer: c'mon, I don't hate Slinkys, I just thought it was funny to see this guy do that. I like Slinkys specially when they are used on stairs :P
M$ 0wn35 you

sábado, junio 23, 2001

How do you recognize a webcam newbie? When he leaves his cam on while having sex with his girlfriend. doh!
Today I've heard "Lady Marmalade" about 10-15 times on the same radio station. Dammit they play that song way too much. And why do they edit Little Kim's rap out of it? Do they want to get to Christina Aguilera faster? That's the best part of the song!
Yesterday I bought another case for my cell phone, from Body Glove. I think it looks cool.

viernes, junio 22, 2001

I always complain how those mail-in rebates take forever to get mailed, but I sure get them when I need them the most. After probably two months I got my $40 rebate from Best Buy today.

jueves, junio 21, 2001

I didn't know that the Puerto Rican flag was considered one of the best flags according to NAVA. They ended up #7 on the list. Pretty cool!
You know the world is coming to an end when a man assaults Cookie Monster.
I'm finally going to Cedar Point on July! I can't wait, since I'm a rollercoaster nut and all. We will stay overnight at the Travelodge in Sandusky so we can go to the water park the next day. Fun fun fun! And the best part is that I get to miss work for two days.
Want to rent a Hummer for $399.95 per day? I don't think so!

miércoles, junio 20, 2001

martes, junio 19, 2001

lunes, junio 18, 2001

domingo, junio 17, 2001

Happy Fathers Day! (oops I almost forgot to post it hehe)
Not much to post over here, besides the fact that the weather has been really nice. I finally went to the pool to check-out the guys..errrr... the water. And today we are going to go again, but before we have to go to Wal-mart and get some pool toys!! fun fun fun

jueves, junio 14, 2001

miércoles, junio 13, 2001

Well, Eitel and I decided that since we barely use our (Ameritech) phone line, why pay $35-40 a month for nothing? We barely make local calls and when we call it's long distance using Eitel's cell phone with Sprint. So, I got myself this cool phone from Sprint and instead of giving Ameritech my money for nothing I'll give it to Sprint. I get 200 anytime minutes, 1000 nights and weekends minutes and Wireless web for $40. And since long distance is free, I can call home and not worry about it. Hey, not bad if you ask me. I don't talk for 1200 minutes on one month, maybe when I was a teenager but not now :P

lunes, junio 11, 2001

Created as a spoof of the recent sulfnbk.exe hoax, a joke warning people of a virus named AOL.exe has some deleting the Internet program from their computers. Brilliant! LOL
There is a major recall on 75% of all vehicles sold in Michigan by all auto manufacturers. This recall involves inoperative turns signals.
- Problem: turn signal doesn't work
- Test: check for ID10T at the wheel.
- Fix: unknown at this time


domingo, junio 10, 2001

Am I the only one that loves BBQ Cornnuts? My parents hated it whenever I had some because it leaves this aftertaste that drove them nauseous... yum! I used to buy lots of them before they improved (read changed) their BBQ flavor, but it's growing on me again.
I would like to thank the Academy, my producers.. uh, sorry that's not it. I'd like to say thanks to Raul for the plug.. and go visit his site.. it rocks. Damn I wish I had that much talent when I was 17.
Well, #6 was false. Yep, I was a big dork and had my first kiss when I was almost 20. Isn't that pathetic? LOL I do collect Barbies and Beanie Babies. I have about 30 Barbies (including the Puerto Rican and Penn State ones) and about 12 Beanie Babies. I avoid vegetables whenever possible, in a rare occasion I can eat zucchini and celery and maybe a ceasar salad but that's about it. And yeah, I've been drunk only once. Since I couldn't remember anything about that night I said to myself that I wouldn't do it again. I need to know what's going on around me and being drunk doesn't not help LOL

viernes, junio 08, 2001

It was about damn time! Today it was a beautiful, sunny and warm day, high in the upper 70s, no humidity. Too bad that I spent a good part of it at work. If it stays like this tomorrow I will take Brianna to the park. She loves to run and get all wet in the lake.

miércoles, junio 06, 2001

Happy Birthday to Jish.. the big 3-0, you are almost catching up with Eitel ;-)
alrighty, I'm jumping on the bandwagon.. I'm such a follower :P
Which one is false? Guess

1. I stole a pen from a grocery store once because my mom wouldn't buy it for me
2. I've never been busted for speeding
3. I can only wear gold jewerly since fake ones give me allergies
4. I don't eat vegetables
5. I took English from Kinder through 12th grade, but actually learned how to speak thanks to cable tv and the sitcoms
6. I had my first kiss when I was 15
7. I once pushed my brother onto the mirror wall on my mom's bedroom, causing his forehead to split open right in the middle.
8. My socks have to be at the same height when I'm wearing them
9. I collect Barbies and Beanie Babies
10. I've been drunk only once in my lifetime
I thought GWB only read bartending books.. heh

martes, junio 05, 2001

Me wants one of these: "Casio Introduces New Wrist Camera Watch That Can Record Images and Transfer Them in Color to Your PC"
I'm now the proud owner of the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon on dvd. It was $16.99 at Best Buy and people were skipping lunch to go buy it..heh everyone at the store was getting a copy. That movie kicks ass. I also got the Bring it On dvd (go Toros! he :P).

lunes, junio 04, 2001

LOL.. All your vote are belong to us
Did you know that today is "National Hug Day"? That means that you can walk up to that handsome guy you've been meaning to talk to and give him a hug ;)

domingo, junio 03, 2001

Could someone please give her a clue? icky
I don't understand dogs. I'm trying to sleep (after getting up at 7am to take Brianna out) and Brianna starts crying, moaning, jumping on the bed.. you get the drift. Since I can't sleep I decide to wake up. So I get ready and sit on the PC to read some emails and what Brianna does? Lies next to me and falls asleep. Not fair.. LOL
I'm getting a haircut today. I'm sick of this long hair, it gets so heavy that I don't feel like doing anything with it, therefore I stick it in a ponytail all the time. I'll probably have them chop 3 inches. Oh, and Eitel finally gets back today.. well tomorrow, the flight comes in at midnight. No more food starvation!! ;-)

sábado, junio 02, 2001

It's raining men.. well not really but it's raining like crazy and I'm bored out of my mind. What should I do.. clean?? nah heh I think I'll download more Voyager episodes :P

viernes, junio 01, 2001

June is here and what kind of weather we have? Freaking rain with high in the low 60s. The forecast looks like that for the next week or so. I hate rain, it makes me depressed and my hair gets all frizzy and unmanageable. Rain sucks.. and when it rains I can't go to Cedar Point and get on the 14 rollercoasters.
I *heart* eDonkey2000, you should too.

miércoles, mayo 30, 2001

constipated pregnant girls pictures?? oookay... next?
I miss him already.. now who's going to cook? ;-)
This is the funniest movie summary I've seen in TV-Guide:
Lambada 98 min - Lame plot about a Beverly Hills math teacher (J. Eddie Peck) who dances the night away in the barrio.

martes, mayo 29, 2001

I finally sat down and watched Miss Congeniality on dvd. I couldn't stop laughing! It was predictable but funny, plus Benjamin Bratt is a hottie.
I just realized that I have been boring you.. errrr.. blogging for a whole year. I didn't think I was going to last that long. so, Happy B-day to me? heh
Do I really have to go to work? Don't wanna! I should've taken today off. And I'm sleepy.. ZzZzZz

lunes, mayo 28, 2001

What's the best thing about having a weekday off? I get to watch The Price Is Right, just like I did when I was in college.. heh

domingo, mayo 27, 2001

Alright, new layout is up. If you see something weird let me know, and if you are viewing the page in that piece of crap known as Netscape 4+, please get Opera because you won't be able to see this page how it was intended to be. Stupid NS and nested DIV don't mix together. But hey, at least NS6 can view it :P

viernes, mayo 25, 2001

I usually park my car on the carport (row) next to the townhouses. But today for some weird reason (must've been getting off work early) I parked right on front of the townhouse. So what do we get around 5pm this afternoon? Lots of hail. Those suckers were coming down for about 15 minutes.. dammit! They were kinda small but still, poor car. So Eitel had to run outside and move my car to his carport.. heh
New layout coming soon. As much as I love the #336699, I'm in a green mood lately, so expect lots of green. :P
I don't mind when the gas prices go up, heck compared to the rest of the world we are paying nothing. But when the prices jump 25 cents overnight you just have to wonder what the heck is going on. I mean 25 cents? Specially when those gas companies promised that they weren't going to increase the price until after the holiday weekend. Há!!

miércoles, mayo 23, 2001

aaah Star Trek Voyager is finally over.. *sniff* It was a good episode.. but I wanted more. I wanted to see the crew meet their family and friends in Earth, I wanted Almirant Paris to meet Tom and how he has changed over the years. I also wanted Kim to get promoted.. I mean ensign for 7 years?? Heck Tom Paris got demoted and promoted to Lieutenant and still poor Kim nothing. And The Borg are gone (or is it, the Borg is gone? you know one mind bla bla), finito. Their best enemy destroyed by trans-phasic torpedoes, oh yeah!

Okay I'll stop being geeky now.

martes, mayo 22, 2001

This whole Kaycee thing keeps getting complicated. Not even the soap operas can compete with this. wow
Computers = toilets? heh
Since now I have a dog I think I should post these.. hehe

30 Things I MUST remember as a dog:
1. The garbage collector is not stealing our stuff.
2. I do not need to suddenly stand straight up when I'm lying under the coffee table.
3. I will not roll my toys behind the fridge, behind the sofa or under the bed.
4. I must shake the rainwater out of my fur before entering the house.
5. I will not eat the cats' food, before they eat it or after they throw it up.
6. I will stop trying to find the few remaining pieces of clean carpet in the house when I am about to get sick.
7. I will not throw up in the car.
8. I will not roll on dead seagulls, fish, crabs, etc. just because I like the way they smell.
9. "Kitty box crunchies," although they are tasty, are not food.
10. I will not eat any more Kleenex or napkins and then redeposit them in the backyard after processing.
11. The diaper pail is not a cookie jar.
12. I will not chew my human's toothbrush and not tell them.
13. I will not chew crayons or pens, especially not the red ones, or my people will think I am hemorrhaging.
14. When in the car, I will not insist on having the window rolled down when it's raining outside.
15. We do not have a doorbell. I will not bark each time I hear one on TV.
16. I will not steal my mom's underwear and dance all over the backyard with it.
17. The sofa is not a face towel. Neither are Mom & dad's laps.
18. My head does not belong in the refrigerator.
19. I will not bite the officer's hand when he reaches in for mom's driver's license and car registration.
20. I will not play tug-of-war with dad's underwear when he's on the toilet.
21. I will not eat mint flavored dental floss out of the bathroom garbage to avoid having a string hanging out of my butt.
22. I will not use "roll around in the dirt" as an option after just getting a bath.
23. Sticking my nose into someone's crotch is not an acceptable way of saying hello.
24. I will not hump on any person's leg just because I thought it was the right thing to do.
25. I will not fart in my owners face while sleeping on the pillow next to their head.
26. I will not come in from outside and immediately drag my butt across the carpet.
27. The toilet bowl is not a never ending water supply and just because the water is blue, it doesn't mean it is cleaner.
28. I will not sit in the middle of the living room and lick my crotch when company is over.
29. Suddenly turning around and smelling my butt can quickly clear a room.
30. The cat is not a squeaky toy so when I play with him and he makes that noise, it's usually not a good thing.

domingo, mayo 20, 2001

I'm going to start calling the Bush administration the N-O administration.. since it seems that they don't want to do/follow up with important treaties and such (like staying away from the protected lands, the Kyoto treaty, etc).
This whole thing about Kaycee not being a real real person, but a mix of three persons that some Debbie knew in RL is kind of weird to me. I guess I always asume that every person that has a (personal) blog online is real. But what really angers me is that this Debbie received presents, money, get-well cards that were supposed to go to Kaycee, but if there was no Kaycee, who got them? Is it fraud? I say it is.

sábado, mayo 19, 2001

I guess this woman is the new Lorena Bobbit.
Guys, please don't cry now that you won't see 7 of 9 anymore (since Voyager is coming to an end, *sniff*), you can catch her in Boston Public this season.

jueves, mayo 17, 2001

All I have to say about Lipfinity is.. WOW!!!!!! That lipstick stayed on all day long! I had pasta for lunch, fajitas for dinner, I took a 3 hr nap (yeah I'm lazy) and the lipstick was still there. It wasn't as intense as it was in the morning but hey, who cares. Usually other lipsticks don't last more than 2-3 hours. I say go to K-mart and get it now while it's on sale for $8.99.
Windows 2000 users: download the latest service pack from M$, SP2. Do it now!
My cable modem is finally back.. I don't know how can someone live with a dial-up modem, or even worse, without internet! uy

miércoles, mayo 16, 2001

Evil.. hehe >:-)
After reading what Shannon and Eden had to say about Lipfinity, I went and bought one ($12 on CVS!! auch). This thing better work or I'm going to be very pissed about spending that much on a lipstick.

lunes, mayo 14, 2001

heheheh funny
I found out something, I like zucchini but only stir-fry. That's something for someone that doesn't eat vegetables :P

domingo, mayo 13, 2001

It looks like we will have no cable modem until Comcast can come again to re-install our cable line. The #$%^&*() people that were working on the sidewalk on our townhouses somehow broke our line. Hopefully they can come this week because dial-up sucks ass!!!

Nothing else new our here. We took our dog back to the park, this time she went on the water and went nuts about it. She loves to jump through it and she looks funny trying to "eat" the water while she jumps.. heheh

sábado, mayo 12, 2001

I watched the Miss Universe pageant last night. I didn't like that they changed the format of the whole show. They didn't interviewed the 10 semi-finalists, they kept interrumping the swimsuit competition with commercials/the La Ley's show and they wouldn't let the 5 finalist finish their answers on the first round on questions. Besides that, it looked wonderful and I couldn't be any happier that Miss Puerto Rico won :-) (oh, and for those who think it was rigged because it was held in PR, in 1997 the pageant was held in Miami and Miss USA, Brooke Lee, won that year :P ) Oh, and if you didn't know, back home ppl take pageants seriously, just like Americans swear by the NFL and NHL :P

viernes, mayo 11, 2001

I thought that I had seen enough of Jeri from Survivor 2.. I was wrong.

jueves, mayo 10, 2001

I'm having a crappy connection, so posts will be even more sporadic now until the Comcast techie comes on Sunday.

miércoles, mayo 09, 2001

There's nothing on TV, just the N'Sync concert on HBO. I bet Dan is watching that right now.
You Know You're Out Of College When...

1. Your salary is less than your tuition.
2. Your potted plants stay alive.
3. Shacking in a twin-sized bed seems absurd.
4. You keep more food than beer in the fridge.
5. You have to pay your own credit card bill.
6. Mac & Cheese no longer counts as a well-balanced meal.
7. You haven't seen a soap opera in over a year.
8. 8:00a.m. is not early.
9. You have to file for your own taxes.
10. You hear your favorite song on the elevator at work.
11. You're not carded anymore.
12. You carry an umbrella.
13. You learn that "Bachelor" is a nicer term for a jackass.
14. "Extended childhood" only really pertains to your salary, which is a little less than your allowance used to be.
15. "Twenty-something" means over-qualified, under-paid, and not married.
16. Your friends marry instead of hook-up, and divorce instead of break-up.
17. You start watching the weather channel.
18. Jeans and baseball caps aren't staples in your wardrobe.
19. You can no longer take shots, and smoking gives you a sinus attack.
20. You go from 130 days of vacation time to 7.
21. You stop confusing 401K plan with 10K run.
22. You go to parties that the police don't raid.
23. Adults feel comfortable telling jokes about sex in front of you.
24. You don't know what time Wendy's closes anymore.
25. Your car insurance goes down.
26. You refer to college students as kids.
27. You drink wine, scotch and martinis instead of beer, bourbon, and rum.
I hate going shopping for jeans. I can never find a nice, cheap pair of jeans (like the ones they have at Dots), they are always too long for me... I'm only 5'2". But it seems that only the expensive jeans fit me. Gap and Express are the only jeans that have "short" jeans that are short enough for me. Meaning.. that I spent almost $100 on two pair of jeans this past weekend. They look good and all but damn, $50 a piece is a lot of dough for me.

martes, mayo 08, 2001

I saw this bumper sticker on some old beat up car: Proud parent of an Inmate of the Month at County Jail. oooookay
Naked Man Attacks Woman, 87: ... The woman was talking to a neighbor when the naked man ran up to her, knocked her down and laid on top of her until neighbors and members of a landscaping crew were able to pull him away, police said.

Yeah, that was smart. Get on top of her in front of everyone. He probably thought he was invinsible.
Well, it looks like Hooters won't open in Livonia, MI anytime soon. The community and the mayor were against it saying that it will bring prostitution into their community (???). They are probably related to the people in State College, PA that didn't want the restaurant to open there too.

lunes, mayo 07, 2001

referral of the day: boobs. Someone really wanted to see them because somehow I'm #95 on the search results.
How come even though I have set my preference on Ebay to NOT get any special occasion emails, I get one? Which part of NO don't they understand?

domingo, mayo 06, 2001

I finally spent $8.50 (times two) to watch The Mummy Returns today. The movie was good, loaded with lots of fighting scenes, killings and amazing special effects. Plus Brendan Fraser looks hot! ;-)

sábado, mayo 05, 2001

viernes, mayo 04, 2001

I have to reformat my PC.. why? Because Eitel can't make up his mind and he keeps changing how the server (which runs Win2K Server) it's set up. Well, I really don't have to but if I want to see the rest of the shared folders then I do.
I don't care what CNN says, I'm watching The Mummy Returns this weekend.

martes, mayo 01, 2001

I love cheese. And I know that you love cheese too. So behold the cheese comparator!

Your cheese rating is: Limburger
A traditional soft cheese, originating in Belgium. Limburger has a red/brown rind with corrugated edges, and a creamy yellowish body. It tastes almost meaty, and has a legendary aroma due to enzymes breaking down proteins on the surface of the cheese.
Bumper stickers seen around the world part 2:

11. If At First You Don't Succeed...blame Someone Else And Seek Counseling.
12. Impotence: Nature's Way Of Saying "No Hard Feelings".
13. If You Can Read This, I've Lost My Trailer.
14. Horn Broken... Watch For Finger.
15. It's Not How You Pick Your Nose, But Where You Put The Booger.
16. If You're Not A Hemorrhoid, Get Off My Ass.
17. You're Just Jealous Because The Voices Are Talking To Me
18. The Earth Is Full - Go Home
19. I Have The Body Of A God...Buddha
20. This Would Be Really Funny If It Weren't Happening To Me
People in the military soon won't be able to search for pr0n on the net. What are they going to do on their free time, send spam?
Four worms were placed into four separate jars. The first worm was put into a jar of alcohol. The second worm was put into a jar of cigarette smoke. The third worm was put into a jar of sperm. The fourth worm was put into a jar of soil.

After one day: The first worm -- dead, Second worm -- dead, Third worm -- dead, Fourth worm -- alive

Lesson: As long as you drink, smoke and have sex, you won't get worms.

domingo, abril 29, 2001

It looks like Survivor is going to get a video game. What's next, Survivor the condom? heh
Happy Birthday Daia!!!!!!
Since it was such a nice day yesterday we decided to go out for a while. There's this park close to where Eitel works that you can see from the road so we decided to go there for a walk. At first all you could see was this pond and a trail that we thought went all around the pond, so we decided to go for a walk. We where so wrong. After walking and climbing the one hill, there was another trail which took us to another big pond where the trail kept going around. We probably walked for 3-4 miles and Brianna enjoyed the walk too.

I took some pictures and you can see them here. I was lazy so I used the web gallery took from Photoshop 6. I know it uses frames but I dig the horizontal scrolling. :-)

sábado, abril 28, 2001

Happy Birthday Eden! 25 ain't that bad, ask Dan and Eitel.
Lets see: 75º F, sunny and clear means go outside and don't play with the computer. So I'm doing that this weekend. goodbye!

jueves, abril 26, 2001

I bet some people are wondering why the good ol' US of A doesn't have a National Cleavage Day.

martes, abril 24, 2001

Oh no, not again.
I forgot to mention that my cat Fluffy is two years old today, and we got her from the shelter a year ago :-)
Bumper stickers seen around the world:

1. Constipated People Don't Give A Shit.
2. Practice Safe Sex, Go Screw Yourself.
3. If You Drink Don't Park, Accidents Cause People.
4. Who Lit The Fuse On Your Tampon?
5. If You Don't Believe In Oral Sex, Keep Your Mouth Shut.
6. Please Tell Your Pants Its Not Polite To Point.
7. If That Phone Was Up Your Butt, Maybe You Could Drive A Little
8. My Kid Got Your Honor Roll Student Pregnant.
9. Thank You For Pot Smoking.
10. To All You Virgins: Thanks For Nothing.
The one thing I miss the most: novelas. I can't watch Betty la fea because all I get here is Univision.
I can feel it coming. I will probably get sick again. This Michigan weather is the weirdest I've seen since. Yesterday it was 80ºF and today's high? 54º. That is so wrong.

sábado, abril 21, 2001

My keyboard is having some issues. Sometimes I try to type the letter o, r, f, j and k and I get a combination of letters and numbers. I better get a new one soon and I better not spill any more water on them.
I like cheese.
Just when I thought everything was okay with the dog, she decided to dig a hole in the carpet, which by the way is not mine, when I was at work. Now I can really kiss my security deposit good bye (and hello to the bill I'll get when I move out of here). So we bought a crate and now she will stay there while we are out of the house, whether she likes it or not.

viernes, abril 20, 2001

jueves, abril 19, 2001

The Weakest Link has a club and so far it has 2348 members. I'm wondering why they talk about in there, on how to insult people when they get "kicked-out"?

miércoles, abril 18, 2001

martes, abril 17, 2001

Just for Dan, N'sync candy.
We are bad. It looks like the cat followed one of us to the closet and we didn't notice, so... we closed the door and there she was, stuck all day in the closet. Now there's a hole on the carpet by the corner, since she was trying to get out/open the door (now we can kiss the security deposit goodbye). So I gave her one extra slice of her favorite turkey ham for all the trouble we caused her :-(
After a long weekend, I don't feel like being here at work (and the yucky weather doesn't help). Can I go home?

lunes, abril 16, 2001

There is something wrong with this forecast:
Light snow likely early...then mostly cloudy. A chance of snow showers... or mixed rain and snow showers by afternoon. Brisk with highs 40 to 45
I'm getting lots of hits from someone (or more than one) at Disney. Hi there!! Can I get discount tickets to all your parks? How about a free stay on your hotels? ;)
What's worse, getting spam or getting spam created with the HTML conversion "tool" from Word 2000. Gosh you can't even read it!
paulo has a new spanking layout, so go over there and tell him you love it or else.. heh

domingo, abril 15, 2001

Well the University of Michigan's Naked Mile Run (nudity) is this Tuesday and the cops are hoping to arrest/stop people from doing it. bummer
If you can't get enough of Monopoly, they have over forty special edition boards to choose from. Some of the editions are: Marvel Comics, Coca-Cola, Star Trek TNG and Original, Penn State and X-men among others. But where's the A-List webloggers edition.. eh?
Happy Easter! Now where is my chocolate? :P

sábado, abril 14, 2001

It seems that some people are having problems posting the comments so lets make this out testing thread. It only happened to me once but I have no idea why. I'm using this script so I don't know if it has something to do with it.
LOL... Mr. T vs Saved By The Bell.

viernes, abril 13, 2001

Software bug found in Microsoft's UltimateTV box - somehow I'm not surprised by this. Actually it's expected from Microsoft.
Peeps+pixie sticks=trouble
Big Yahoo decided to listen to ppl complaining and removes all the porno it was selling. Boo Boo!
aaaaaaaah how nice it's to sleep until noon. I did get up early to take Brianna out and then watched the Partridge Family on WB. Then I went back to bed and so did Brianna and Fluffy. The cat, the puppy and the girl sleeping at the same time.. how cute :P

jueves, abril 12, 2001

Dan look! You should apply for that job.. heheh
FINALLY!!!!!!!!! A loooong weekend is ahead. I don't work tomorrow or Monday but I did had to use one of my vacation days so who cares. Poor Eitel works both days so go make fun of him.. heh Now I can catch up on all the soap operas and talk shows.
What was Christina Aguilera thinking when she decided to go like this to an awards show? She looks awful.

miércoles, abril 11, 2001

SInce I love all the Police Academy movies, this is kinda sad: Actor David Graf, best known for his role as Officer Tackleberry in the Police Academy movies, has died at age 50. Graf collapsed of cardiac arrest at a family wedding in Arizona on Saturday
Did you kow that Yahoo! sells porn movies?

martes, abril 10, 2001

Agenda VR3: Handheld Linux PC with 8MB RAM, 16MB Flash memory, and 66MHz CPU for $249. Too cool

Somebody should've told me that I was going to spend tons of money buying stuff for Brianna. This housebreaking stuff is a lot harder than I thought.
Oh yeah, free ice cream cone from Ben & Jerry's on May 2nd. I love free stuff! Now, if only Subway would do the customer appreciation day like they used to in State College, I would be set (free sub for 3hrs).

lunes, abril 09, 2001

I wish I could draw like Rita does. Maybe I should start using my Wacom tablet.

domingo, abril 08, 2001

After watching the commercials Eitel and I went to Pizza Hut on Friday and tried the new Twisted Crust pizza. I usually don't eat their pizza because lately they have been giving me an upset stomach, but this one was okay. And I get to eat the best part, the breadstick crust. yum!
I am such a dumbass. I spilled water all over my keyboard the other day while trying to pick up Fluffy and now my top and right arrows don't work. I'm so pissed!!!!! grrrrrrr
I found a comments script that uses mySQL and PHP so I'm going to try it out. Let's see how it goes.

sábado, abril 07, 2001

And to top it all: All your Base are Belong to Us' t-shirt. HA HA HA HA ....

viernes, abril 06, 2001

What'cha gonna do
When you can't say no
When her feelings start to show
Boy I really need to know
And how you gonna act
How you gonna handle that
What'cha gonna do when she wants you back
Songs in my head: Kabah's "Calle de la Sirena" and Sentidos Opuestos' "Eres Amor de Papel" (both of them are Windows Media Player clips)
At the gym in my apartment complex they have the Precor EFX546 Elliptical Fitness Crosstrainer and I love it!! I can easily do 30-40 minutes on it and usually do some 2.5-3 miles on it. Too bad I can't get one for home, it costs around $5,000US.

jueves, abril 05, 2001

Now I can sit and relax watching Survivor II without getting all stressed out by that bi@tch called Jerri.
Some people hate the Office Assistant (aka the ugly clip) that comes with Office 97/2000. And others hate it because it can't answer a simple question.
It's a beautiful day outside.. 60ºF, sunny and clear. I want it to stay that way, no more snow and all that icy crap. I can't wait until May since that's when Cedar Point opens. I love rollercoasters and I only got to ride once on Millenium Force.

martes, abril 03, 2001

mental note: tonight it's the David Copperfield special: Tornado of Fire. I've seen all of his tv specials plus I saw him in person when he was at Penn State 3 years ago. You have to see him in person! This guy is magic.
Getting up early sucks ass. Just thought I let you know. Carry on.

lunes, abril 02, 2001

Useless post to test the comments' layout.
Please proceed.
Annoyed by the image toolbar menu in IE6? You can disable it on your pages by following what MSDN online recommends.
Like the new iMac? he he he
Forget what I said earlier. The best April Fool's day prank I've heard was this radio station giving the news that the Detroit Red Wings were moving to Windsor, Canada by 2003. The radio station had a player and a PR call the show to give the news: that they were building a stadium right next to the Windsor Casino, that tickets would be cheaper and that they were very excited about it. My god, people were calling the show afterwards flipping and insulting pretty much everyone. LOL
Okay people.. why don't you go over to the RC boards, sign up and post? As a bonus you get to harrass Dan anytime you want. *evil grin*

domingo, abril 01, 2001

I can't wait to see The Mummy Returns. But for now, here's the trailer. (need Quicktime to watch it, what would you expect, Media Player from Apple's site? heh)
LOL this is the best April Fool's Day joke I've seen: Pardon My zinger
(stolen from Metafilter)

sábado, marzo 31, 2001

Jerri from Survivor II is now a singer? LOL
Song of the day: "Dancing in Heaven" by Q-Feel (from the movie "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" which I saw on Comedy Central today and yes I like it.. sue me :P )
So far Fluffy and Brianna are getting along, as long as Brianna doesn't get too close or Fluffy will run away from her. But the cat does like to follow the dog around. Even though you can't see Brianna, Fluffy is staring at her. How cute!

viernes, marzo 30, 2001

I missed Jerri getting kicked out of Survivor. I want details!!!!! Okay I read the details. I'm so glad she left. I couldn't stand watching her for another second.
hmm I got Greymatter all setup ready to go.. but I don't feel like moving files so it'll be Blogger for a while (if I see one more freaking template I will kill someone).

miércoles, marzo 28, 2001

It looks like she likes my Beanie Babies, specially Roary and Rocket. But we still need to catch her getting them so we can tell her not to do that. (hmmm I didn't know that those two are retired beanie babies.. maybe I should put them somewhere else hehe)

martes, marzo 27, 2001

CSS Enhancements in Internet Explorer 6 Public Preview. A must read.
It must be something on Michigan's water, because I'm sick again. That would be the fourth time this year! I hate it, I hate it. At least I'm taking some medicine for free from the First Aid kit here at the office (they have everything on that kit, even Blistex).

domingo, marzo 25, 2001

I bet some people are upset that everytime J.Lo is on camera they only show her from the neck up. I bet it's cold at the Oscars.
The Oscars are on tonight and all I care about is what the stars will be wearing. Who's going to pull a J.Lo tonight? Oh, and I want Benicio del Toro to win (ay papi!).
Now I know why people are getting the iMac.
(plug) Here's another beautilful and simple layout for a blog. And go visit his other site, imako. Who cares if it's in Spanish, it's beautiful as well.
PlayStation 2 shipments hit 10 million: but I haven't seen a single one in-stock since the launch last year.

sábado, marzo 24, 2001

I just noticed that I can't remotely edit this blog. When did it stopped working?
Well, no dog yet thanks for the wonderful work of the shelter. They told us that since the dog had a stray hold until Thursday, that she could get spayed on Friday. So fine, we can wait almost a week for the dog. But when we visited her a couple of times this weeks I noticed that she was sneezing some, and said to myself, "gosh I hope she doesn't get sick". Friday comes and Eitel calls to see if we could take her home and they tell us that the vet had an emergency and couldn't come, and that we have to wait until Tuesday. We stopped by yesterday to see if we could take her for the weekend and they told us no, that it was their policy, that they didn't ask the vet to come because they didn't have enough animals to get spayed (??? all I was saying to myself was yada yada yada). So okay, we left. We stopped by today and we couldn't find her anywhere on the cages so we ask the lady on the front desk where she is and she doesn't know either. After waiting for 5 minutes they realized that the dog was put in isolation (from the healthy puppies) because she got sick (I should be a psychic). Now we don't know if she can be spayed on Tuesday (probably not) and they won't let us take her home until she gets spayed.

We are so pissed, I mean, surrounded by sick animals on this little room while they wait for the vet on Tuesday is not going to help her get any better. And waiting over a month to get the dog is just not right (the one week we waited so far plus 2-3 until she gets better plus 1 week for the surgery). The question is, do we wait or just drop it all? I feel bad for the puppy but it's not fair for us to wait that long to get a freaking dog. I don't know what to think of all this. ugh!

viernes, marzo 23, 2001

Paying bills sucks. I can't wait until I get all these credit cards paid off.
I guess we are not getting free tacos from Taco Bell:
Mir destroyed in fiery descent.
Bummer, I guess I have to buy lunch today.

jueves, marzo 22, 2001

After watching 10 Things I Hate About You, I've been listening to this song pretty much non-stop: "I Want You To Want Me" by Letters of Cleo (originally from Cheap Trick). Someone please make it stop!!!!!

miércoles, marzo 21, 2001

Tripod deletes acceptable sites from their servers. They blame a "technical error" for the problem. If that was one of my pages, I would demand a pop-up free site from now on (like I have that much power).
Some stats from my trackers:

800x600 - 47.05%
1024x768 - 41.24%
1280x864 - 4.84%
Win98 - 77.65%
Win2K - 6.38%
Win95 - 4.89%
Mac - 3.44%
IE5 - 88.43%
NS4 - 3.85%
NS3 - 3.15%
IE4 - 2.87%

martes, marzo 20, 2001

Here are the pics of the dog we adopted at the shelter. She is a Lab/Retriever mix and only 3 months old. Her name is Cheyenne but we might change it. Now get ready to say "Aaaaaaaaaaw".

Eitel and Cheyenne  Eitel and Cheyenne #2

She's on a stray hold until Thursday so hopefully they will be able to schedule her surgery for Friday (she is getting spayed). If not then we have to wait until Tuesday to pick her up.

lunes, marzo 19, 2001

I'm sitting here at the training center taking a class that I took almost a year ago. So why am I taking it again? Because my leader wanted me to learn the new features of the latest software version. But the first day of training is by far exactly the same as before, so I'm really, really bored. And for some reason I can't check the email at work. Oh well, I just want to get out of here early so I can catch up on some talk shows that I haven't seen in months.

domingo, marzo 18, 2001

We live in a society of laws. Why do you think I took you to all
those Police Academy movies? For fun? Well I didn't hear
anybody laughin', did you?"

-- Homer Simpson
Eitel wants a dog so he is trying to convince me by taking me to the Humane Society of Huron Valley to see them. That's where we got our cat Fluffy almost a year ago. I'm still not sure about it though. I'm renting almost all the furniture in our apartment and I don't want a dog to start eating it all.

sábado, marzo 17, 2001

Why are they showing Real Genius and Dirty Dancing at the same time? Life is so unfair.
Today should be a good day to go to the grocery store and the gym. On a college town, people are probably at the bar drinking right now, and not spending their money on food ;-)

shamrockHappy St. Patrick's Day!shamrock

viernes, marzo 16, 2001

I thought I've seen the last of winter, but no. We are supposed to get two inches of snow tonight, which means that the drive back home is going to suck big time.

jueves, marzo 15, 2001

Testing IE6 Beta. Lets see, for some reason it has the Toolbars locked by default, so you can't resize or move them unless you right-click on the toolbar and disable it. Also you can delete just the cookies from the Options menu. Some popups script (like overLib) don't work like they should. It has a Personal Toolbar with the Weather, a Search area and the Windows Media Player integrated but it only plays music from the My Music folder. I'm trying to guess how many times it will crash before getting on my nerves (so far zero).
Want to get rid of those annoying ICQ banners? Follow these instructions and install the ICQ Banner Killer. It gets rid of the ads and ICQAteBrowser. I just installed it and so far so good.
"I want to share something with you - the three sentences that will get you through life. Number one, 'cover for me.' Number two, 'oh, good idea, boss.' Number three, 'it was like that when I got here.' " -- Homer Simpson
Want thirty free condoms?

miércoles, marzo 14, 2001

It's the end of the world! I stopped by the gym right here in the apartments and did the treadmill, some weights and some floor work. I think I might do that every other day (lets see how long it will last)
Oh no! Winfiles is gone. *sigh* I don't like searching through C-net's
Even monkeys are learning Linux nowadays.

martes, marzo 13, 2001

This is what we get for electing Bush as prez. (can't you tell I don't like the guy?)
This is one dvd that I will definitely get: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
4LL Y0UR B453 4RE B3L0NG T0 U5
The last four blogs that I've linked in my bookmarks over there ---->
have gone in "permanent" hiatus. Hmmmm is it the kiss of death? Who's next?
As if getting those annoying ads in ICQ wasn't enough, now all I see are Britney Spears ads: "Pop Queens on ICQ: Britney Spears", "Britney Spears on ICQ: Get Photos and Meet Fans Here!"

domingo, marzo 11, 2001

Instead of doing Tae-bo I decided to make another wallpaper. I call it Reach. Hope you like it.
Weird referrals of the day: eat sh*t and Voyager sex.
I needed to get some contacts since I have only one pair left. So I looked at different sites and found I ordered them Friday night and they got shipped via Priority Mail yesterday. Plus they don't call my doctor to verify the prescription. Cool, since I know what my prescription is (is right on the box duh!). The only thing I don't like is that I never received the confirmation email, but they do have a tracking page that shows the status and confirmation number of the shipment.
Alright, a little too late so I took some pics of our trip to the post office and KFC. WOW!!! How exciting!!! :P If you want to see them you can do so by clicking over here

sábado, marzo 10, 2001

This looks neat: KODAK: mc3 plays mp3, takes still pictures and shoots videos. I thinking is missing a cell phone.
Happy Birthday to my brother Carlos. He is 19 now, no longer my little brother.

viernes, marzo 09, 2001

I just bought some RAM: 256MB PC100 bringing the total to a whooping 512MB. Now I can use Windowblinds with no problems :)
About time that my direct deposit started working. Now I can get some groceries.

jueves, marzo 08, 2001

Somehow I'm on the Domain Deathmatch and against Betcha who makes beautiful layouts. So if you want to vote go ahead, if not that's ok too, I won't kill you or anything ;-)
I think I might try this: a 3 column layout that uses CSS and looks the same in NS and IE.
Happy Birthday to Islabonita! I finally got off my butt and bought a domain one-year ago. And why? Because the popups were getting on the way of the layout I wanted to do.. LOL

miércoles, marzo 07, 2001

An odometer tax? WTF are these politicians thinking? They complain when cars polute the environment and when they become more efficient they complain that they are not getting enough money of the gas tax. I drive around 15,000 a year because public transportation here sucks. If there was a high speed train that would take me from AA to Detroit I would take it in a second. Is not my fault that the Detroit Metro area is so huge -- it takes about one hour to go from one end to another. And now they want to tax us. What about all the out-of-state drivers? Or the miles I get while going to Canada and Chicago? Oh, and if you are complaining about not getting enough money, then give away your 40% salary increase, Mr. Legislature.

(oh, and there are seven other states thinking about doing the same, I wonder which ones)
I wish I could go to SXSW. I think I will have to settle with "West via I-94" (which means going home after work).
Beware of the Naked Wife.
The No. 1 song in the US the day I was born (9/18/1976) was Play that Funky Music by Wild Cherry. Now that song is stuck on my head!

martes, marzo 06, 2001

If you use Hotmail and have been getting lots of spam lately, read this. I guess I'm lucky, I rarely get spam on my account but I opened mine back in 1995 when M$ didn't own Hotmail.
Thanks to Eitel, I'm getting the cold, again. That's three times in three months! Stupid winter weather.

lunes, marzo 05, 2001

Is it Halloween yet? This is scary!
Things like the shooting in a high school in California makes me think twice about having children. If school is not safe for them what's left?
I wish I had a Spring Break that wouldn't use any vacation days and that would still pay. A girl can dream eh?

domingo, marzo 04, 2001

Hey, but that doesn't mean that I can't have the Siimpsons Living Room and Schoolhouse Diorama.
Is it me or The Simpsons are looking more like The Homer? Everything revolving about Homer and his stupidity, and I'm not getting the endings lately. I'm losing it!
I found Eden.. again! Looks cool, I dig the colors.

sábado, marzo 03, 2001

I just couldn't resist buying another digicam. We got the Kodak DC3200 for $175. At least this one is 1.2 Megapixels, the other one I have, the Afga ePhoto 780c it's only 0.35 Megapixels.
I completely forgot to watch the Miss USA pageant. Now I can't make fun of William Shatner :-(

viernes, marzo 02, 2001

I wonder why is William Shatner the MC of tonight's Miss USA pageant. If I recall correctly, they fired Bob Barker because he was "too old" for the job. I don't think Shatner is getting any younger.
They are interviewing this 87 yo man who calls himself the Disco stripper, Disco Ernie. He is from Indiana and I hear he is quite busy. LOL

jueves, marzo 01, 2001

I know this is old, but it always makes me laugh, in a "It sucks to be them" kind of way.

The following is from a seminar called "Stress and Disease" by Dr. Nicholas Hall, an expert in psychobiology. He gave this example of a way of coping with job stress:

"When you have had one of those 'TAKE THIS JOB AND SHOVE IT' days, try this:

- On your way home from work, stop at your pharmacy and go to the section where they have thermometers. You will need to purchase a rectal thermometer made by *Q-Tip. Be very sure that you get this brand.
- When you get home, lock your doors, draw the drapes, and disconnect the phone so you will not be disturbed during your therapy.
- Change to very comfortable clothing, such as a sweat suit and lie down on your bed.
- Open the package and remove the thermometer.
- Carefully place it on the bedside table so that it will not become chipped or broken.
- Take out the written material that accompanies the thermometer and read it. You will notice in small print the statement that "Every rectal thermometer made by Q-Tip is PERSONALLY tested."
- Now, close your eyes and repeat out loud five times, "I am so glad I do not work in quality control at the Q-Tip Company."

miércoles, febrero 28, 2001

Another reminder: Rent is due tomorrow, not in 3-4 days
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Sorry, I just can't stand watching the guy talk.

martes, febrero 27, 2001

The Girl Scout cookies are here. I bought one box of Thin Mints (my favs), two of Tagalongs and one of Samoa. Now you have to guess how many days it will take me to eat them all.. heheh
Every morning my cat Fluffy follows me to the bathroom while I get ready, and pretty much everyday she gets up on the toilet and eats the toilet paper. I think that's so funny!
99 Minutes CD-R's might be coming near you soon. Imagine all the mp3 songs that you can fit in there.

lunes, febrero 26, 2001

Finally I found out why you can't see this page in Unix. Something to do with the way I set up the div layers. I guess I'll be going back to a mix of layers and tables. Got the code working but I'm not going to put it up today, because then I will have an excuse for not working out.
I took advantage of the $11.95 registrar transfer from Dotster and it finally came through today. I've heard good things about Dotster and you can't beat the price. At first I thought they were slow sending me the confirmation email, but after reading the instructions carefully, I realized that they first verify the whois information of the domain and then they send the email. doh! So it took about a week to transfer the domain. Bye bye!
You would think that with all that money they have, some artists would know how to pick their gowns better, but obviously Toni Braxton didn't listen to anyone. She should've gone naked!

domingo, febrero 25, 2001

This solar photography looks so fake. If it wasn't for Physics I would've been an astronomer ;-)
Where did my weekend go? I want one more day :-(
I just want to know why the local UPN station has to show NBA, NHL and MLB games all year around. It pisses me off when there's a new Voyager episode and I can't watch it until the weekend. Same goes for Smackdown. I even hate it more when I can't watch both of them on the same week.
Another reason why you shouldn't use the stinky V-card feature in Outlook.

sábado, febrero 24, 2001

What's the point of getting a salary increase if it doesn't reflect on your paycheck? Also, I didn't realized how convenient direct deposit was until I had to go and pick up my check for the past four pay periods (payroll is all screwed up for some reason). Which means I have to stop at the bank inside Meijer and wait for the thing to clear. Sucks sucks sucks.

viernes, febrero 23, 2001

I better stop starting my posts with "I didn't know..." because it's making me look like an uneducated idiot! :P

jueves, febrero 22, 2001

I didn't know this was a frequently asked question =/
<link stolen=Betcha>
I didn't know people decorated ambulances with wallpapers. Anything to make the patient feel better, I guess.
If you have an E-bay account and you suddenly getting all these telemarketers phone calls, it's because E-bay decided to reset all the preferences to "yes" due to a technical glitch. This was back in January, but I went back in today after reading a thread in Metafilter and low and behold, they were changed to Yes. Sure, a glitch. When it happened a month ago my settings were just fine and dandy. Stupid E-bay!!!

miércoles, febrero 21, 2001

I'm having trouble deciding who is the worst MC for an award show, The Wayans Brothers or Jon Stewart. Man does Jon suck!
The Grammy's are tonight and a bunch of people are going to be protesting just because Eminem is going to be there. People, if you don't like Eminem's lyrics, don't listen to them! Last I've heard we live in a free country where we can listen to whatever we want.

martes, febrero 20, 2001

I've done the Advanced Tae-bo tape for two days in a row (well, not the whole thing, just the cardio part.. around 35 minutes). I plan on doing it during the weeknights so I can have the weekends free. Lets see how long I can keep it up.
Where was I when all these place tickets' prices from United were up for grabs? I could've been in Paris by this time next week.
Why don't you sign Eitel's guestbook? It's feeling lonely.
To those who have Blogvoices, turn it off! It makes your site take forever to download, and I have a cable modem!
Why do I keep having these high school dreams? It has been two days in a row now, that I was going back to high school to keep on studying (what? I dunno, I already have my bachelor of science). Maybe I miss wearing the uniform (navy vest, white polo, plaid skirt, white socks and black shoes)?

lunes, febrero 19, 2001

MTV is showing a mini Daria marathon. I forgot how much I enjoy watching that show.