martes, diciembre 25, 2001

lunes, diciembre 24, 2001

I'm about ready to ditch Blogger. wow what took me so long? ;) All I need is to tweak the archives on Movable Type, export/import the Blogger posts and presto. If it wasn't for all those Perl modules that I had to install (because my webhost didn't have them), I'd say that MT was a breeze to configure.
for preg women in a pissy mood like me, Santa jokes!

Dear Santa:
I wud like a kool toy space ranjur fer Xmas. Iv ben a gud boy all yeer. Yer Frend,

Dear Billy,
Nice spelling. You're on your way to a career in lawn care. How about I send you a f***ing book so you can learn to read and write? I'm giving your older brother the space ranger. At least he can spell.

domingo, diciembre 23, 2001

Pregnant women have cravings. Everyone knows that. Then why can't I have a definite craving? People tell me of how they always craved chinese food, or pickles with ice cream (yuck!) among other things. But me? Nope, I can't even decide on that! Yesterday it was pretzels, today is piña colada, tomorrow who knows!!! And when is time to eat something, forget that! I can't make up my mind and it's driving me and Eitel crazy. ugh!!

sábado, diciembre 22, 2001

bored on a Saturday night:

I am 41% evil.
I could go either way. I have sinned quite a bit but I still have a bit of room for error. My life is a tug of war between good and evil. Are you evil?
ick.. somebody needs to get a fashion clue
I want one of these so bad, Auntie Anne's garlic and cinnamon sugar pretzels. And I want them NOW!!! Why is it that the closest store is 40 minutes away? damn suburbs for being to spread out. Looks like someone is going to take me there today. I mean, he better take me there today.

viernes, diciembre 21, 2001

Lookie, I'm actually going to get wrapped presents for Christmas! :P I stole it from S and E.