sábado, agosto 04, 2001

If I change from a C to a D cup and take away some cavities, I'm worth $2,000,746.00

viernes, agosto 03, 2001

The other day I was watching Nick at Nite and they were showing the Brady Bunch Pop-up video style!! It was very interesting, and whenever the Pop-up videos are shown, I have to watch them. I just wonder if it was a one time thing or if they do that on the weekends.

In other news, purple ketchup coming to stores near you this fall. Eitel thinks it looks like puke.
I better post something this week for my two loyal readers out there. We finally got some rain last night and this morning, but I don't think it's enough to lift the water restrictions the area has. Can't complain though, I rather have this warm weather than the nasty blizzards we get in the winter. The dog decided to chew on more carpet and that brings the total of 3 holes on the (rented) carpet from her and one from the cat. fun fun fun! :P

lunes, julio 30, 2001

According to Human For Sale and their exact calculation, I'm worth $1,472,000.00 $1,661,744.00. That's it? What a rip-off! (the amount changed because I missed the intellectual section earlier, go figure)

domingo, julio 29, 2001

If your house burns down because you forgot that the poor Pop-tart was in the toaster, you don't have the right to sue Kellogg for your stupidity.